cases - page 7

Zattere Is A Padded Paper iPad Sleeve You’ll Want To Draw All Over [Review]


Zattere iPad Sleeve from Papernomad / Art of me & my pup from @skylaarsays
Zattere iPad Sleeve from Papernomad / Art of me & my pup from @skylaarsays

Walk the halls of Macworld or the Consumer Electronics Show for too long, and the sheer googolplex of injection-molded iCases hanging all around can actually make you go cross-eyed. The bedazzled ones are especially dangerous—that’s a medical fact.

Zattere iPad Case by Papernomad
Category: Cases
Works With: Any iPad
Price: $50

Bucking that trend, the Zattere from Papernomad is a naturally-crafted iPad sleeve you’ll enjoy looking upon as much as using. No, paper, wool, cotton, and thread might not sound like the materials that belong in a protective iPad sleeve, but they do work well, and then there’s this: in five years, a plastic case will look positively forlorn; paper though, artfully aged with your doodles and sketches, becomes an artifact you may wish to keep even after its utility has long gone astray.

Armored Leather iPad Case Shares “Attractive Qualities Of A Gladiators’ Armor”



Despite their slim and delicate appearance, Apple’s iDevices are pretty tough. I have dropped my iPad mini from the top of the fridge onto a tiled floor with no real damage – just a dented corner. In fact, in the five years that I have owned iDevices, I have broken one screen, and that was an iPod touch in a front jeans pocket which got completely wrecked in a drunken bike crash (I think that’s what happened, anyway – I don’t really remember).

Which is to say, the majority of mollycoddling we bestow on our iPhones and iPads is unnecessary. The only thing which really needs protection is the screen.

Griffin’s Waterproof Survivor+Catalyst Is The Perfect iPhone 5 Beach Buddy [Review]


Survivor+Catalyst by Griffin
Category: Cases
Works With:iPhone 5
Price: $70

Just in time for beach season, Griffin’s ruggedized, waterproof iPhone case – the Survivor+Catalyst – arrived at CoM’s Spanish HQ (aka my apartment). And after a month or so of using it and abusing it, I can say its the best rugged case I have used. For the iPhone anyway.

Let’s see why.

iPhone Case With Built-In Retractable Headphones



You just have to love the TurtleCell. First there’s the name, which conjures up images of hard-to-empty bowels. Then there’s the website, which manages to pack in plenty of Standard Infomercial Tropes: the cheesy, grinning model (usually either a family member or just the most photogenic person on the team, but never, ever a professional model), the overplayed example of the problem the product solves (in this case, an absurdly-tangled pair of earbuds) and even – yes, really – a sunglasses-wearing animal mascot in the product video.

It’s almost deliberately ridiculous. Oh, and the product is an iPhone case with built-in headphones.

Tough, Waterproof Pouches Let You Take Your iDevices Anywhere — Even The Filthy Beach



I hate the beach: It’s full of dirty sand, sweaty half-naked men and polluted with the sound of bad radio stations. It’s exactly like your average building site in fact, and we don’t go and lie in the sun on those.

But in July in Barcelona, the beach is one of the few places you can go to cool down and feel a breeze. It’s also just about the most dangerous place to take your electronic gadgets.

And that’s where these Cloudcover weatherproof cases come in.

Case Makes iPad Mini Look Like A Rusted-Out Piece Of Junk



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I Kakaru peeling layer of red rust is cracking. split.

It becomes the two works realistic that utilizes the transparent cover.

This incredible piece of poetry is not in fact a finely-honed chunk of verse, but just a clumsy machine translation from Google. Or is it? Perhaps Google’s vast and distributed computer brain has attained consciousness and turned itself into a soft, wooly-brained artist? If so, the nerds at Google are gonna be pissed.

The text above is also the description of a set of rusty cases for the iPad Mini, straight from the Bird Online Shop.

Wristlet, A Dangling Unisex Purse For the iPhone



The Wristlet looks like quite a useful iPhone wallet. Instead of going all minimal and offering a few useless slots on the back for credit cards (some of us actually pay for goods with our own cash money), the Wristlet comes on like a miniature unisex purse, only it’s a tiny purse designed mostly for the iPhone.

Grove SkateCase Is Lovely, But Is It Worth The Price? [Review]


SkatCase by Grove
Category: Cases
Works With: iPhone 5
Price: $150

Grove was last seen on these hallowed pages when I wrote about the SkateBack, an iPhone 5 rear panel fashioned from the offcuts of old skateboards. Now I actually have a skate-derived case in my hands. It’s still for the iPhone 5, but it’s a full case, not just a rear panel, and it comes in the same shape as Grove’s bamboo cases.

It’s pretty good. It’s also $150.

UPDATED: SENA’s Folio Case For The MacBook Air Is Beautiful, But Has A Problem [Review]



Leather never goes out of style.

Folio Case by SENA
Category: Cases
Works With: MacBook Air
Price: $139.95

For most of the twentieth century, it’s been a material that testifies to professionalism and distinction, and while Apple’s glass-and-aluminum products may be designed with timelessness in mind, this timelessness interfaces well with leather’s inherent timefulness: the way the oils in your hands and the way you touch it give it character over time.

SENA is a company specializing in premium leather cased for phones, tablets and other devices. We gave their Folio Case for the 11-inch MacBook Air a spin. Leather looks good against aluminum and glass, but how does it feel? That’s what we set to find out.

The Lioncase Pocket Shield: Thin, Light And Pretty Damn Classy [Review]


PocketShield by Lioncase
Category: Cases
Works With: iPad Mini
Price: $32

As ever, I shall start this iPad case review by reminding you that I only ever use a Smart Cover on either of my iPads, the mini and the Retina. And that on the occasions that I might be moved to use a case (when not actively reviewing one) I like something light and thin.

Which brings me to the Lioncase Pocket Shield for the iPad mini. It’s slim (13mm), it’s light (150g) and it has a pocket!

Truffol Signature Case Adds Clunky Luxury To iPhone 5



Imagine that you took the aluminum frame from the inside of, uh, something that has a small, iPhone-sized metal frame. Then – still in the garden of your mind – imagine that you chopped the cover off a fancy leather bound book and glued the flat flap to the pre-scavenged frame. Now open your eyes and look at the picture above. Uncanny right? It’s exactly what you imagined.

Kubxlab’s Wood-Backed iPhone 5 Case Is Impossibly Light [Review]


Ultra Thin Case by Kubxlab
Category: Cases
Works With: iPhone 5
Price: $30

When I wrote up the Kubxlab Ultra Thin iPhone Case a short while back, I liked the look of it but figured that it would be yet another iPhone shell case to add to my stack of potential gifts (I’m serious – if you visit my home you won;t be allowed to leave without an iPhone or iPad case in your hands).

Then one arrived. Or rather three arrived, one in each color (dark, light and brown). I carelessly ripped open the packaging, picked one of the three (dark, I think) and pressed it onto my naked iPhone 4, still warm from my damp front pocket.

And I was so surprised that I actually put down my coffee.

Boostcase For iPhone 5 Is A Do-It-All Case With A Ton Of Attachments [Review]


Screen Shot 2013-06-19 at 18.36.28

Fed up of changing your iPhone case every time you want to use an external battery pack or add a kickstand? Well, Boostcase for iPhone 5 hopes to make that a thing of the past. It’s just one case, but it’s compatible with a ton of attachments that slide into little grooves on its back and add all kinds of extra functionality to your phone.

BOOSTCASE by Boostcase
Category: Cases
Works With: iPhone 5
Price: $35+

I’ve been using Boostcase for the past two weeks, thanks to MyBanana, with a kickstand and a hand strap. But you can also get an external battery pack, a card holder, a wallet case, a clutch case, a studded jacket (which isn’t as saucy as it sounds), and more — all of which can be applied in seconds without ever having to remove the Boostcase from your iPhone.

The Boostcase itself costs $35 in a range of different colors and patterns, and for that you also get the hand strap and the kickstand. The other attachments range from $20 to $100.

So, let’s find out whether Boostcase is the only case you’ll ever need for your iPhone.

Wood Done Good: The Miniot Book for the iPhone 5



We last saw Miniot making the rather hot MkII wooden Smart Cover for the iPad. Now it’s back with this equally stylish Miniot Book for the iPhone 5. The Book uses the same clever bendy wooden hinge as the iPad case, and adds in a rather smart protective “box.” And one thing is certain: Our wood-obsessed editor John Brownlee is gonna freak out over this.

Capture Your Extreme Sporting With An iPhone 5 And The Hitcase Pro [Review]


Ready for impact: Hitcase Pro protects your iPhone everywhere you shouldn't take it.
Ready for impact: Hitcase Pro protects your iPhone everywhere you shouldn't take it.

Hitcase Pro, like Tony Stark’s iron suit, is the penultimate protection for your iPhone 5, even when it’s flying through the air.

Hitcase Pro by HitCase
Category: iOS cases
Works With: iPhone 5
Price: $130

That’s because, like the red Avenger, Hitcase Pro isn’t just a suit of armor, like so many cases before it. No, this one’s built for action, with some special mounting and lens capabilities that encourage you take your lovely iPhone on adventures you ordinarily should not, all so you can use its camera to record the chaos and prove you survived.

Pad&Quill’s New 11-Inch Cartella Case Brings Linen BackTo The Macbook Air



As fantastically well-made as they are, I only use a Pad&Quill case permanently on one of my devices: the Kindle Paperwhite. For my iPads, I prefer something less bulky. If I used an 11-inch MacBook Air, though, I’d be all over the brand new Cartella Linen, a beautiful case which seems much more in keeping with the larger proportions of a notebook computer.