News - page 32

True Skate, The Best iOS Skating Game, Like, Ever



If you have any idea what an ollie is, or a 50:50 grind, or a heel-flip (or — if you grew up in the 1980s, an acid drop or boneless), then you should buy True Skate right this minute. Seriously. I’ll wait.

Why? Because — despite some v1 limitations — True Skate is the closest you’re going to get to a dead-on skateboarding sim in 2012. The only things missing are the security guards to come and harass you, and bad fast food.

Belkin Wemo Baby Monitor: Even Your Rugrat Can Pronounce Its Name



Be-be, wo-wo, boo-bee. These are the kind of phrases a human being can only get away with uttering in public if still under the age of two. Fortunately, these are also the only words these underdeveloped fools can manage. There’s probably a lesson about ability vs. ambition hidden in there somewhere.

Which is to say that the Belkin Wemo baby monitor is probably the best-named baby monitor ever. Even your dumb infant can ask for it by name.

Wireless MicroSD Adapter Beams Photos To Your iPad



Here’s a neat idea: at least until all cameras have built-in Wi-Fi anyway: It’s a Wi-Fi SD card adapter — like the Eye-Fi cards, only instead of packing their own flash storage they have a hole which will happily hold a the microSD card of your choice.

Thus, you buy the adapter once, and stock up on a (small) pocketful of mini memory cards. This, the thinking goes, will be cheaper and more future proof than building Wi-Fi into every damn SD card you use.

Ceramic Subwoofer Will ‘Urn’ Its Place In Your Kitchen



The Jambox and its ilk of wireless high-tech boomboxes are fantastic, for both sound and freedom. But there’s no way my Mum would use one — it simply wouldn’t fit in with the crystal and porcelain knick-knacks (what I call “dust-catchers”) which carpet every horizonta surface like mushrooms on, well, you know.

The Joey Roth Ceramic Subwoofer, though, would probably be allowed.

Checkmark Update Brings Repeat Reminders And Super-Cool Map Integration



Checkmark, the supper-slick location-aware reminders app for the iPhone, has gotten a feature bump in its newest update that almost (almost!) makes it a new app.

And if you don’t already have Checkmark, then shame on you — the $2 app not only makes location-based reminders on your iPhone way easier and way better than the built in reminders, but it also works on your iPad.

QuickOffice For iPad Adds Track Changes And Comments For Word Files



QuickOffice Pro HD — an app which takes not only its feature-set but its naming conventions from Microsoft Office — has gotten a big, big new feature. Now you can not only edit office documents, but you can track changes and comments in DOC and DOCX files.

Lawyers, editors, authors and anyone else forced to use office on the Mac or PC can now do their work from the bar or bus, as God intended.

Dock+ Adds Weight To The iPhone 5 [Kickstarter]



The only person who cares that your old 30-pin dock doesn’t fit your new iPhone 5 is you. Everyone else is ecstatic. Apple gets to cross another SKU off its product list, and third-party makers can sniff the sweet, sweet smell of opportunity in the air. The opportunity to separate you from yet more of your easily-spent dollars.

One such opportunist is David W, the clever chap behind the Dock+, the first Kickstarter dock we’ve seen for the iPhone 5.

Striiv App Will Make You Thin And Beautiful



Been looking for an excuse to exercise? Then look no further than the App Store, for a new app from Striiv — the people who brought us the “smart pedometer” — will count your steps and turn them into gold. Virtual gold, that is. Metaphorical virtual gold. Whatever. Rewards?

Prismatic iPhone Lens Lends Photos A Perpendicular Perspective



Perverts rejoice! Now there’s an iPhone accessory which will let you shoot pictures of pretty girls in public without anyone ever knowing. And it’s even better than a specially adapted camera, because you can just pretend to be like checking your messages or whatever.

It’s called the HiLo lens, and it puts the “can” and “did” into “candid.”

Apple Rejecting Apps Which Integrate With Flickr



It looks like Apple has started rejecting apps which offer Flickr export. More specifically, it is rejecting apps which allow you to authenticate your Flickr account using an in-app browser view.

Why? Because it is possible to navigate away from the authentication page and find a page from which you can buy a Pro Flickr account. This violates rule 11.13, which we last saw when Dropbox-enabled apps were rejected last year.

Colorotate Turns The iPad Into The Ultimate Photoshop Color-Picker



In some fields, the iPad just isn’t suited to take over from a PC. And that’s cool, because it can still help out. Take pro-level Photoshopping, for example: without actions, multiple windows and keyboard shortcuts, no iPad app is going to be better than PS on OS X. But you can put your tablet net to your Mac and let them work together.

Today’s example: Colorotate, a color editing app for your iPad.

iPod Nano Clip Adds Clip To New Nano



Say what you want about the stupid, impossible-to-control previous generation iPod Nano, but don’t say its clip wasn’t useful.

If you wanted to clip your tie to your shirt whilst making both of them sag thanks to the extra weight, or if you wanted to go jogging and have the heavy little block of aluminum and glass pull at and eventually drop off your t-shirt sleeve, then the old Nano was ideal.

The new one gets handy buttons and no longer looks like a Shuffle-with-a-screen, but it lacks the clip. Luckily, for $20 you can put it right back.