This iCloud Shaped House Might Be The Ultimate Apple Fantasy [Gallery]



Don’t you just love iCloud and how it seamlessly keeps all of your information synced up, making you feel all warm and light and free? Don’t you just want to marry it, or maybe live inside a nice fluffy iCloud synced world? Maybe not. But now you can, if you move to Melbourne, Australia and buy this gorgeous house that’s shaped like the iCloud logo.

Do you see it? How the structure makes an iCloud shadow there on the pool? Ok, we put that there to help you visiualize it, but seriously, this house looks almost exactly like the iCloud logo, and it’s just as crazy on the inside as the outside.

Automatic Lens Cap Fits Any Lens


The X-Cap gives any camera an automatic lens protector.


This is the X-Cap, a prototype self-opening lens cap for compact cameras. It’s a straight replacement for the removable lens caps increasingly found on higher-end point-and-shoots, and turns them into low-end point-and-shoots.

Valve’s Gabe Newell: Windows 8 Is Going To Be A “Catastrophe”


Staring down the apocalypse.

Valve co-founder Gabe Newell knows a thing about Microsoft. After all, he initially founded Valve Software — makers of such mega-hits as the Half-Life, Portal and Left 4 Dead series, as well as the popular Steam digital delivery service — using the millions he made working for Microsoft for 13 years.

So when Gabe Newell says that he thinks Windows 8 is going to be apocalyptical for PC makers and cause OEMs to start fleeing the platform in droves, it’s worth paying attention. Especially since Valve’s Steam delivery service is putting increasing emphasis on Windows alternative OSes like Linux and, yes, the Mac.

Fact: Plutocrats & Billionaires Prefer The iPhone


Apple suppliers are enjoying huge revenue boosts thanks to the iPhone 6
Apple suppliers are enjoying huge revenue boosts thanks to the iPhone 6

There’s always been a stigma around Apple products that they’re really just made for rich people. Almost all of Apple’s machine’s cost well over $1000, and the iPhone and iPad are two of the most expensive products in their categories.

Some people say only rich people can afford Apple products, and maybe they have a small point.  A recent report shows that Apple is the company of choice for users whose net worth is more than $100,000, and it just become more popular the more money you earn.

Sprint Announces 1.5 Million iPhone Sold During Second Quarter 2012


Despite strong iPhone sales, Sprint reported a net loss of $1.2 billion last quarter.
Despite strong iPhone sales, Sprint reported a net loss of $1.2 billion last quarter.

Sprint announced its financial results for the second quarter of 2012 today, which includes “strong” iPhone sales of 1.5 million units. 40% of these devices went to new customers, but they couldn’t help the carrier get out of the red. It reported a net loss of $1.2 billion over the three-month period, compared to a net loss of $847 million for the same quarter last year.

Restore The RSS Button To Safari With This Simple Extension



With the Safari 6.0 update, Apple decided we don’t need no stinkin’ RSS button in our web browser, so they took it out. Whether you agree with Cupertino or not is beside the point, the RSS button is gone and it’s probably not coming back.

Thankfully, one developer spotted the change months ago and already has a quick solution to bring back the RSS button to Safari.

What’s The Best RSS Reader App For Mac? [Let’s Talk]




With the launch of Mountain Lion, Apple also pushed out an update to Safari which removed the RSS button so many people loved. We received a lot of email over the past 24 hours asking what the best RSS Reader Apps for Mac are, but we figure you guys read just as much news as us, so why not ask you.

What’s the best RSS Reader App for Mac, and why? What do you look for most in an RSS Reader?


Keynote Icon Ditches Depressing Lyrics, Now “Thinks Different” Like Apple’s Other Icons


The new Keynote icon.
The new Keynote icon.

Here’s something cool you may not have noticed yet. With its new Keynote update, released alongside Pages and Numbers yesterday, Apple replaced the unique icon that features the somewhat depressing lyrics to The Bitch of the Living by Spirit Awakening with a new 2012 icon that displays a famous quote from the company’s Think Different commercial. The same quote now appears on several of Apple’s Mac OS X icons.

What The iPhone Could Look Like In 2013 [Gallery]



Like a healthy baby in utero with all its fingers and toes showing on the ultrasound, we’ve now got a pretty good picture of what the next iPhone will look like: longer, thinner, a new metallic back, a smaller 19 pin dock connector and, of course, a bigger 4-inch display.

It’s going to be a beautiful phone, but what next? It’s unlikely that Apple will do another major iPhone revision for awhile, which means future iPhones will, for the forseeable future, probably just refine the forthcoming design.

Here’s a beautiful concept of what the iPhone’s design could look like in the next couple of years, courtesy of French designer Nak.

BikeCharge Aftermarket ‘Hub’ Lets You Charge Your iPhone With Pedal Power


Simple, and easy to install. Photo London Cyclist



There are a few ways to keep your phone juiced as you ride. Those with foresight will have specced a wheel with a dynamo hub and USB adapter. Those who live in sunnier climes might opt for a solar panel. ANd those who lack both good weather and good planning skills can grab the Tigra BikeCharge, an iPhone charger that will fit any bike.

OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion [Review]


OS X Mountain Lion is here, and it's even sleeker than Lion.
OS X Mountain Lion is here, and it's even sleeker than Lion.

It’s hard to believe that it was just a little more than a year ago that Apple released OS X Lion. Only twelve months later, and we’re now staring right down the maw of Apple’s ninth major release of Mac OS X: Mountain Lion.

OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion signifies a new approach on Apple’s part towards OS X updates: instead of going years between major releases, Cupertino is trying to take the rapid release approach that has worked so well for them with iOS and apply it to the Mac.

Mountain Lion, then, feels in many ways less like OS X 10.8 than OS X 10.7.5: a smaller, more tightly focused update continuing what OS X Lion started, taking iOS’s best ideas and bringing them to Mac.

Thanks to major breakthrough features like iCloud syncing, Notification Center, Sharing, AirPlay Mirroring and more, there’s less of a distinction in Mountain Lion between the Mac and iOS than ever. But is that a good thing, and how will it change the way you use your Mac?

Don’t Worry, Apple! Microsoft Will Kill Its Own Surface Tablet With $1,000 Price Tag


How much?!
How much?!

Earlier this month, I wrote an opinion piece that put forward a number of reasons why Microsoft’s new Surface tablet may have a surprising impact on the iPad. That was based on the assumption that the Surface would be priced competitively — like Microsoft said it would be.

But according to one European retailer, the entry-level slate running Windows RT — not full Windows 8 — will be priced from 6990 kr (Swedish Krona), which is approximately $1,013. If this is correct, Microsoft is wasting its time on releasing the Surface, and Apple needn’t worry about it stealing any of the iPad’s market share.

Path 2.5 Adds Film & Book Sharing, New Photo Editing Tools, Personal Invitations & More


Path gets a stack of new features in its latest update.
Path gets a stack of new features in its latest update.

Path just pushed out a new update to its iPhone app, introducing a number of nifty new features. Users now have the ability to share their favorite films and books, send personal invitations with their own message to their friends, snap photos using the volume button and then edit them with Path’s new tools, and more.

Just What Does Power Nap Do While Your Mac Is Sleeping?




We showed you how to switch on Power Nap on your Mountain Lion-running, SSD-equipped Mac, but just what does this new feature do?

We know that you Mac enters a kind of robotic REM sleep, where it’s brain activity spikes and the network connections power up to download various bits of data, just like Newsstand on iOS. But a new Apple Knowledge Base article outlines the surprising number of tasks which are going on under the sleepy-lidded hood.

iStack Mac Bundle Ends Today! [Deals]



Let’s keep this short and sweet. The amazing iStack Mac Bundle ends today (Thursday). This is it. Last chance.
No more excuses or “I’ll get it tomorrow” or “I don’t know will I really use all those apps…”. Look, the best thing about these bundles is that there are hidden gems that you didn’t know you needed until you have them. Maybe for you it will be Disk Drill to fix your Mac. Maybe it will be SnagIt to grab an image. Maybe it will be Text Soap when you have a mailing list to fix up. The only thing left for you is to…

Creative Design Bundle 2.0 [Deals]



Let me paint a scenario for you. You’re a creative type. Maybe professionally or as a hobby or maybe you’re just the go-to person in the office. You need to pull a rabbit out of your hat—again— and you’ve got nuthin‘. Like less than nuthin’. What you need are some creative resources to browse through and use for your project.

Most of us have a few things stashed away to use, but those get old and stale fast. Which is why from time to time you need to pick up some new fonts, textures, graphics, icons, and such. Something like The Creative Design Bundle 2.0.