Leander Kahney - page 18

Steve Jobs Had His DNA Sequenced In Bid To Beat Cancer



Steve Jobs was one of only 20 people in the world to have his DNA sequenced as well as the DNA of his tumor, Walter Isaacson’s upcoming biography reveals.

After Jobs delayed treatment for cancer for nine months while he tried alternative cures (including eating vegetarian dishes at a San Francisco restaurant with Dr. Dean Ornish), he went all in with the best treatments modern medicine can provide.

Because of the experimental gene therapy, Jobs said he’d either be one of the first to beat cancer, or one of the last to die of it.

Steve Jobs Was a Closet Republican?



In a conversation with President Obama last year, Steve Jobs sounded like an out-and-out Republican, according to another excerpt from the upcoming official biography.

During President Obama’s trip to Silicon Valley in the fall 2010, where he met several business leaders, Jobs complained about regulations, taxes and the teachers unions. I always thought Jobs had a liberal bent, but he sounds like a member of the Tea Party.

He told Obama he would be a “one-term Presidency” unless he became more friendly to corporations.

While Some Apple Stores Remove Steve Jobs Memorials, Palo Alto’s Grows


Photo by toratoratori: http://www.flickr.com/photos/37753870@N07/6257803750/sizes/z/in/photostream/

As Apple’s stores nationwide prepare to close for a few hours on Wednesday to remember Steve Jobs, many are removing the memorials that sprang up on their windows and doorsteps. The memorial at Apple’s flagship store in San Francisco, for example, was removed last week.

Not so the Apple store in Palo Alto, Calif. — Steve’s hometown. Quite the opposite, the number of Post-It tributes has grown to the point that both windows are now almost completely covered. The picture above was snapped just a few hours ago on Tuesday evening.

It’s a nice tribute. Let’s hope they stay up for a while longer. Here are a few more pictures:

Thanks To Siri, The iPhone 4S Is A Serious Upgrade [CultofMac’s Big Fat Mega Review]



The big question about the iPhone 4S is whether it’s worth the upgrade.

The answer is yes, and that’s because of Siri, the talking personal assistant.

Siri is unbelievable; a paradigm shift. It’s new way of interacting with computers that’s as big a breakthrough as the original Macintosh with its mouse, windows and icons. In fact, it’s bigger. It’s a much more natural way to interact with machines. It’s a glimpse of the future of computing.

Like the first Mac, it’s far from perfect. We’re at the very beginning of this revolution. But if you want to join the party, you need the 4S.

iPhone 4S Launch Is Historical Event, Woz Says


Woz is first in line for an iPhone 4S at Apple's Los Gatos store. Here he is surrounded by a group of drunken knights from England, according to our stringer Mike Elgan.
Woz is first in line for an iPhone 4S at Apple's Los Gatos store. Here he is surrounded by a group of drunken knights from England, according to our stringer Mike Elgan.

Lots of people are asking why Woz, Apple’s cofounder and still Apple employee number 1, is first in line to buy an iPhone 4S on Friday morning.

I just caught him on the local news, and he has a very good reason.

In Review, David Pogue Gives iPhone 4S High Marks, Especially Siri



The first reviews of the iPhone 4S are coming in, and they look pretty good.

David Pogue, in a review headlined “New iPhone Conceals Sheer Magic,” says Siri is game-changing:

It’s even more amazing how Siri’s responses can actually form a conversation. Once, I tried saying, “Make an appointment with Patrick for Thursday at 3.” Siri responded, “Note that you already have an all-day appointment about ‘Boston Trip’ for this Thursday. Shall I schedule this anyway?” Unbelievable.

I Installed Steve Jobs’ Trampoline [Me & Steve Stories]



Me & Steve Stories — Some of the best stories about Steve Jobs are the personal, intimate ones. We’re collecting them here and will run as many new stories as we can find. If you have a story about Steve you’d like to share, please send us your submissions.

In September, 2004, KC Bradshaw was working as a trampoline installer, which is how he got to meet Steve Jobs in person and leave with a very special souvenir.

Steve Jobs Watched iPhone 4S Launch Live From Home



UPDATE: Jobs wasn’t in bed watching the live feed, but sitting on a sofa enjoying apple juice with rice pudding. Our source reports: “He was sitting in his favorite single soft leather sofa chair and having apple juices with rice pudding, as his favorite.”

We don’t have many details, but we have it from a good source that Steve Jobs watched the launch of the iPhone 4S from his death bed home in Palo Alto.

A special private video stream was set up for him to watch the event from home.

According to our source: “At the end of the show, he smiled as if to say ‘All things are in good hands’ but did not utter a word.”

The source declined to go into further detail. The source is well-connected and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Jobs died the following day.

Why There Should Be A Public Memorial For Steve Jobs [Opinion]


The growing memorial to Steve Jobs at Apple's San Francisco store on Thursday evening. Photo: Leander Kahney

Update: There’s a small private funeral for Jobs today, followed by a memorial for Apple’s staff, according to reports.

Apple still hasn’t released any details about Steve Jobs’ funeral. It’s likely to be a small private affair, in Steve Jobs’ style.

But the outpouring of tributes at Apple’s retail stores shows the need for a public memorial. And someone like Tim Cook needs to take the reins to arrange it.

Apple’s Online Store Blows Past iPhone 4S Pre-Order Deadline [Updated]



Apple promised customers the ability to preorder the new iPhone 4S at 12:01AM Pacific Time on Friday — but the store blew right past that deadline and is still showing a “Back Soon” sign. The Apple Store App is “Back Soon” also.

Verizon’s website is accepting preorders fine, according to a stream of happy tweets on Twitter. But there’s no sign of a pre-order button on AT&T’s website.

iPhone 4S order fail.

Who’s off to bed soon?

UPDATE: The online Apple Store went live for preorders at about 12.40. However, there were lots of complaints of timeouts and other problems. Some customers reported success using the Apple Store App.