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Bill Gates On Steve Jobs: We Created The Mac Together [Video]



Last night, former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates was on ABC News to discuss continuing foreign aid as well as his philanthropy work. During the interview, he was asked about Steve Jobs’s less than kind words about him in Walter Isaacson’s bio: specifically, the part where Jobs (unfairly) says that Bill Gates had no original ideas and got rich just by ripping other people off.

Gates’s response is gracious enough. He says that Steve Jobs and he had a long history with each other, and their relationship as colleagues-turned-competitors was complicated, but that he doesn’t fault Steve for anything he said about him.

For me, though, the weird part is when Bill Gates says he helped create the original Mac. Maybe Gates doesn’t spend all his time ripping off other people’s ideas, but he sure seems to like ripping off posthumous credit for them.

“Siri, Will You Marry Me?” This Is The Funniest Siri Video Yet [Humor]



According to the iPhone 4S Siri Operating Manual, “Siri is a learning computer that adapts to your environment and personality, answering your requests as it identifies your wants and needs.”

But what happens when Siri makes an evolutionary leap in intelligence while you and your drunken buddies are goofing off with her? As this hysterical video from LaughPong makes clear, it can lead to a moment of extreme awkwardness.

Seriously, if there’s one Siri humor video you watch, watch this one. I think it’s the funniest Siri gag yet.

(Thanks, Brittany!)

Kogeto Ships Dot, 360-Degree Panoramic Vid Camera for iPhone With a Twist



This is pretty wild: the Kogeto Dot ($80) is a 360-degree lens that snaps onto the back of an iPhone 4, shoots 360-degrees worth of video; then a player in the cloud (if you upload the clip) or on your iPhone 4 in the form of Kogeto’s free Looker app (if you keep the clip on your phone) allows you to play the app and change to any viewpoint in a 360-degree circle during playback.

Check Out iFixit’s Awesome iPhone 4S Teardown Review Video [Updated]



The iPhone 4S is going to be officially released tomorrow, but a few lucky people have already gotten the one they ordered. The lucky people at iFixit managed to get their hands on an iPhone 4S that was delivered early. They wasted no time disassembling the latest iteration of the iPhone 4S for your viewing pleasure.

You can check out their video teardown after the break.

The iPhone 4S Is Twice As Fast As The iPhone 4, And Siri Has Raise To Speak [Video]



We’d have been more interested in this a couple of weeks ago, but the guys over at AppV managed to get their hands on a new iPhone 4S and have done a short video walkthrough of the device, demonstrating the Siri settings interface which allows you to turn voice control on and off, change your Language Settings, adjust Voice Feedback and enable Raise to Speak mode. That’s a new revelation: although Apple’s Siri promo videos hinted at it, this is the first time I recall an accelerometer controlled “Raise to Speak” mode confirmed.

There’s also an early benchmark of Mobile Safari, which proves that the iPhone 4S renders pages about twice as fast as the iPhone 4, which was already pretty much the fastest web browsing experience on the block. The ‘S’ in iPhone 4S does stand for speed, after all.

[via MacRumors]

Apple Employees Created This Video for Steve Jobs’ 30th Birthday




This moving video was created by Apple employees for Steve Jobs’ 30th birthday on February 24, 1985. The five-minute movie contains a slew of images of Steve that we’ve never seen before — as a baby; as a toddler on his bike; with friends and colleagues — and is a fitting testament to the way in which Apple workers viewed their great leader.

iPhone 5’s New Lightsaber And Boomerang Features Caught On Video [Humor]




It’s incredible what Apple can manage to keep secret about its most anticipated devices, right up until zero hour. For example, even after months of consolidating rumors, this is the first time that we’ve heard that not only will the next iPhone have artificial intelligence thanks to Assistant, but can be hurled in a boomerang attack, expand into a working lightsaber, perform nanosurgery and even double as a tasty chocolate bar.

Incredible reporting by Jimmy Kimmel’s technology correspondent, Guillermo Diaz. Now that’s a scoop.

Apple Will Not Live-Stream Today’s iPhone Media Event


Greedy rumor-mongers didn’t even wait until Tim Cook started running the show at Apple to begin spreading rumors of his plans to quit. Back in 2010, investor gossip site Fly On The Wall wrongly suggested that Cook was off to join HP as its new CEO. (Gullible investors actually led to Apple stock dropping 20 points as a result.) Now that Cook is CEO it’s a bit more difficult to make those kinds of reports convincing, so the narrative has instead changed to suggest the Apple board is unhappy with Cook’s performance and plans to drop him at the earliest possible opportunity. Well, plenty of opportunities have presented themselves, but Cook’s still hanging on in there.Maybe (shock horror!) people have realized he’s actually doing a pretty great job.

Greedy rumor-mongers didn’t even wait until Tim Cook started running the show at Apple to begin spreading rumors of his plans to quit. Back in 2010, investor gossip site Fly On The Wall wrongly suggested that Cook was off to join HP as its new CEO. (Gullible investors actually led to Apple stock dropping 20 points as a result.) Now that Cook is CEO it’s a bit more difficult to make those kinds of reports convincing, so the narrative has instead changed to suggest the Apple board is unhappy with Cook’s performance and plans to drop him at the earliest possible opportunity. Well, plenty of opportunities have presented themselves, but Cook’s still hanging on in there.

Maybe (shock horror!) people have realized he’s actually doing a pretty great job.

If, like me, you were hoping to keep up with Apple’s announcements today via a live video stream straight out of Cupertino, then we have bad news for you: Tim Cook will not be gracing the airwaves for an instant live-stream.

VLC Plays Just About Any Video File You Can Find [50 Mac Essentials #45]



Your Mac comes with QuickTime Player, which does a great job of playing a lot of video content. Lovely.

But if you spend a lot of time doing stuff with video, you’ll know there are times when QuickTime lets you down. There are formats it just won’t play, even if you have Perian installed (which was number 4 in our list of 50 Mac Essentials).

When those moments arise, VLC will come to your aid.

Set Your Head on Fire With AutoDesk’s New Mac App [Daily Freebie]



I can only guess how much explosive glee AutoDesk Motion FX — a new free app from AutoDesk, the developer behind AutoCAD and the SketchBook line of apps — would have engendered in me as a little kid, because I fostered a deep yearning to run around with a flaming hand or fire leaping from the top my head like some Ghost Rider clone. Good thing my parents kept me well away from matches and gasoline.