movies - page 9

Canon 650D Has Swinging Multi-Touch LCD Screen



A capacitive touch-screen makes this EOS closer to a cellphone than ever

Canon has announced a brand new video-shooting DSLR, the EOS 650D. This freaks me out a little bit as I used to sell the EOS 650 to people as a part of my Saturday job in a camera store. The 650 was a 35mm SLR that Canon made from 1987 to 1989, and it was the company’s first auto-focus SLR.

Back to today. The 650D has all that you’d expect from a modern camera, plus a swing-out touch-sensitive LCD screen.

Check Out Apple’s iTunes Summer Movie Guide


Grab an incredibly overpriced bucket of popcorn.
Grab an incredibly overpriced bucket of popcorn.

Summer is upon us, and that means new movies. Tons of great blockbusters will be debuting over the next couple months, including Prometheus next weekend in the U.S. and The Dark Knight Rises on July 20th.

Apple has a handy summer movie guide for 2012. There are some great iTunes trailers and movie details included for what’s hitting theaters, so be sure to check it out.

This is a good way to get a quick rundown of the major movie releases this summer. HD trailers are included for each title along with official release dates.

Apple Starts Censoring The Word Jailbreak In iTunes (Even In Songs!)


Is Apple taking its battle against jailbreaking a little too far?

I can imagine that the reaction you get from mentioning the word “jailbreak” within the Apple camp in Cupertino is almost identical to that you get when mentioning the word “bomb” on an airplane. In fact, Apple hates the word so much that it considers it an expletive, and it’s now filtering it from the iTunes Store.

Ditch Those Crappy Video Subscription Services And Grab Yourself A Slingbox SOLO [Review]



The unfortunate reality of trying to replace cable with video subscription services such as Netflix or Hulu is that, well… they kind of suck. Okay, so that’s my opinion and it’s completely possible that you’re happy with the Walmart bargain bin selection of movies Netflix has to offer, or being last to find out that The Island was just purgatory and the whole point of LOST was, well… pointless. There’s many reasons why I’ve been unable to cut cable out of my life, and if I’m going to be paying for it every month — I might as well get my money’s worth. That’s where the Slingbox SOLO comes in.

Padcaster Transforms The New iPad Into a Full-On Movie Camera



The padcaster turns your iPad 3 into a movie-making powerhouse. Photo The Verge

Remember the Padcaster? It was a photography rig made to turn the new iPad into a shallow-focusing movie camera, and it was [teased]( by the makers Manhattan Edit Workshop last month. Now, the Padcaster has been revealed at NAB 2012, and it is just what we thought it would be — a way to mount big lenses on the iPad 3 and turn it onto a movie camera.

Shot-Steadying SlingShot Camera Stand For iPhone


Peeoooyngg! TYhe one thing the SlingShot won't do is catapult your iPhone across the room
Peeoooyngg! The one thing the SlingShot won't do is catapult your iPhone across the room

UPDATE: This post incorrectly stated that the SlingShot’s inventor, Charles Waugh, was also responsible for the AirClip iPhone grip. He is not.

It seems that there’s an almost infinite number of ways to stabilize your iPhone while taking photos and video, but possibly the most absurd – and at the same time extrmely practical – method so far is to drop it into this catapult-shaped tripod/slingshot.

I chuckled when I first saw it. And then I thought, “that’s actually pretty damn clever.”

Canon EOS-1D C Shoots 4K Video


The EOS-1D C also works with Super 35 lenses
The EOS-1D C also works with Super 35 lenses

Canon is serious about video. It’s 5D MkII was the go-to camera for low-budget indie filmmakers and professionals (like the creators of House) alike. Now, with rivals such as Nikon catching up, it has again leapt ahead. Say hello to the EOS-1D C, an SLR which can also shoot 4K video.

iTunes Movies From Universal Studios Now Available On iCloud


Movies from Universal, like 'Repo Men', are now available to re-download from iCloud.
Movies from Universal, like 'Repo Men', are now available to re-download from iCloud.

When Apple announced that it was bringing movies and TV shows purchased in the iTunes Store to iCloud, every major production house was onboard except Universal and Fox. Due to licensing conflicts with HBO, Universal and Fox were not able to offer video content in iCloud initially. HBO later said that it would be loosening its grip on the studios to allow for licensing agreements with Apple.

It now appears that Universal Studios has been able to start offering its movies in the iTunes Store for re-download in iCloud.

IPad Movie Player With ‘CSI-Style Forensics’ And Direct Subtitle Downloads


It's name might be terrible for Google searches, but It's Playing is a great little app
It's name might be terrible for Google searches, but It's Playing is a great little app

Watching movies on the new iPad is pretty great. Getting those movies onto the iPad isn’t quite so great, especially if you live in a country that doesn’t sell iTunes movies, or if you rip your own DVDs. The forthcoming 3.0 version of It’s Playing for iPad, though, not only plays pretty much any movie format without having to re-encode it on your computer first, it also puts in some amazing new features not seen anywhere else.

Apple Updates iTunes Movie Trailers App For The New iPad’s Retina Display



Apple has finally updated its iTunes Movie Trailers app for the new iPad’s Retina display. I say ‘finally’ because most of Apple’s own iOS apps were updated with Retina graphics on March 7th, but the Trailers app was left out.

You can download the update for Trailers in the App Store now, and it looks fantastic.

Unlike the Netflix app, Apple’s Trailers will let you stream video in stunning on HD. If you haven’t been using Trailers on your iPad and iPad, download it now and discover what you’ve been missing. Not only can you view trailers for upcoming movies, but there’s a handy calendar view for release dates, charts, favorite starring, and ticket/showing info. A great app just got even better.

Digital Bolex Camera: RAW Movies For Just $2,500



If you want to take great photos that you can play around with later, you shoot RAW. And if you want to take great video, ready for the kind of post-processing punishment exacted on it by adding visual effects, you also shoot RAW.

However, while you can get a RAW-shooting stills camera for under $500, a RAW-capable video camera is professional only, running to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Until now. Joe Rubinstein will sell you a Digital Bolex for just $2,500. In the movie world, that’s like finding a Nikon D4 in your cereal box.

HBO Working To Make Universal And Fox Studios Content Available In iCloud


Screen Shot 2012-03-07 at 3.29.20 PM

Apple announced that movies are now available for download in iCloud last week at its iPad event. You can now view and re-download video content purchased from the iTunes Store on any authorized device, including the iPhone and iPad.

While nearly all the major Hollywood studios were onboard at the time, Universal and Fox studios hadn’t been able to close a deal with Apple for iCloud availability due to licensing conflicts with HBO. According to a spokesperson for the company, HBO is loosening its restrictions on the studios to let Apple have access to more content, specifically Universal and Fox.

CBS CEO Told Steve Jobs That He Didn’t Know Anything About Television


Leslie Moonves, the man who said no to Steve Jobs.
Meet Leslie Moonves, the man who said no to Steve Jobs.

It’s been rumored for many months that Apple is working on a TV subscription service for delivering streaming video content. The Cupertino company hasn’t been able to make progress for quite some time due to licensing deals and revenue concerns from Hollywood studios.

A recent report reveals that CBS CEO Leslie Moonves said no to providing content to Apple about a year ago. Not only that, but Moonves told Steve Jobs that he didn’t know anything about the TV business. What Moonves really meant was that Apple is planning to disrupt the way the world consumes video content, and that scares CBS to death.

Double Feature Answers The Question ‘What Movie Were Those Guys In Together?’



Double Feature is a great new iPhone app which is going to revolutionize drunken, late-night movie conversations in pubs, bars and kitchens the world over. It has two functions: Movie Match and Name Search. But all you need to know is that when you find yourself saying “Who was that guy in [x] movie? I can’t remember his name… But hey, wasn’t he in [y] movie, too?” then Double Feature is the app you reach for.

You Can Now Use iCloud To Re-Download Movies And TV Shows



Apple has noted that iCloud can now be used to re-download movies and TV shows that have been purchased from the iTunes Store. During today’s keynote, it was revealed that the third-gen Apple TV would support 1080p HD video, and Apple gave its iTunes video catalog a 1080p facelift to match. On top of that, iCloud will now let you access your purchased video content on all of your devices as many times as you want.

The new feature is welcomed, but there are a couple major Hollywood studios that have not made their content available on iCloud. Universal and Fox haven’t been able to ink a deal with Apple yet.

CineXplayer Pumps Incredible Surround Sound To Your JamBox


CineXplayer's new browser view lets you stream or download movies
CineXplayer's new browser view lets you stream or download movies

CineXplayer, the go-to iOS app for playing pretty much any kind of video you can throw at it, has been updated to include virtual surround sound. This gives you surround sound in stereo speakers or headphones instead of mixing Dolby Digital 5.1 surround down to a plain stereo signal.

Slick New VLC 2.0 Finally Fit For the Mac


Like an ugly duckling transforming into a beautiful swan, VLC 2.0 for Mac also comes in black. Image Felix Kühne/Flickr

VLC, the cross-platform play-everything-and-we-mean-everything video client is about to go 2.0 on the Mac. And amongst all the new features is one very welcome change: A completely re-designed interface that makes it look a lot more at home on Apple hardware than the open-source v1.x ever did.