iOS 7 - page 8

See All Your Locations At Once In The New iOS 7 Weather App [iOS Tips]


Weather App

In addition to using Yahoo! Weather data, the new Weather app in iOS 7 also borrows some of its look from the stellar Yahoo! weather app that came out prior to the release of Apple’s latest mobile operating system.

One new feature that the built-in Weather app from Apple brings to the table is a way to see all the locations you check the weather for into one screen. Here’s how to access it.

Foursquare For iOS 7 Now Serves Up Real-Time Recommendations




Foursquare released an update for its iOS app today that includes an updated look and feel, as well as a new real-time recommendations feature. Using your iPhone’s location data, the app now serves up recommendations such as what to eat at a restaurant or sales coupons for a store you’re already shopping at. Users can also expect to see recommendations for places of interest throughout the day when visiting new cities.

The feature has been on Android for a month now, but Foursquare plans to roll it out to a small batch of iPhone users today with more added every day. The app also brings back a feature that lets you see what your friends are up to by filtering between nearby and worldwide. The free update is available now in the App Store.

Here are the full release notes:

Find And Use The .com Button In iOS 7 Again [iOS Tips]


Whoot, there it is.
Whoot, there it is.

Do you miss the dedicated .com button from the iOS 6 and earlier software keyboard? Many of us do, remembering that you could tap and hold it for other oft-used URL finishers, like .net, .org, and the like.

If you want to find the .com button again, you’re out of luck, but if you want to get that same functionality in iOS 7, here’s how.

Remembering Steve Jobs, In His Own Words, This Week On The CultCast



It’s been two years now, since Steve Jobs passed, so on our newest CultCast, we remember Mr. Jobs, examine how he pushed those around him to their creative bests, and ponder how his absence impacts the company he left behind. And stick around until the end where we’re rebroadcasting, in full, one of Steve’s most special appearances.

Have a few laughs whilst getting caught up on each week’s finest Apple stories! Stream or download new and past episodes of The CultCast now on your Mac or iDevice by subscribing on iTunes, or hit play below and let the unadulterated audio enjoyment begin. Show notes up next.

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Gameloft Postpones Modern Combat 5 Launch To 2014



Gameloft has announced that it has been forced to postpone the launch of Modern Combat 5 for Android and iOS until 2014 to “fully achieve [its] vision” for the game. The first-person shooter was first confirmed in an impressive teaser trailer back in June, and we initially expected it to be available before the end of the year.

Now we’ll have to wait a little longer.

You Can Now Create Your Own iOS 7 Redesign Masterpiece





We’ve all had more than enough time to get used to iOS 7 now that it’s been out for a few weeks, but some people still hate Sir Jony’s parallax masterpiece. For those of you dreaming of a different interface on your iPhone, devoid of gradients and helvetica nue, there’s a new tool from UsvsTh3m that will let you create your own iOS 7 redesign masterpiece.

Visitors can tweak iOS 7’s icons, background, font, colors, and most importantly, those horrific shadows. Of course these changes aren’t really going to show up on your iPhone but you can have a bit of fun with friends and share your masterpiece with the world.

Think your version is better than Jony’s? Post your iOS 7 redesign in the comments below and we’ll add it to our gallery.



Source: USvsTh3m


Chrome For iOS Is Sharing The Sordid Searches You Make In Incognito Mode



Let’s not beat around the bush; the incognito mode built into Google Chrome for iOS is used for one thing, and that’s browsing websites that you wouldn’t want others to know you were browsing. But you should stop it — right now.

It appears that the latest release added a nasty bug that causes all of those sordid searches you make in incognito mode to be shared with the regular browser window — as well as Google Chrome on your Mac or PC if you have them all set up to sync with each other.

Twitterrific Now Takes Advantage Of Apple’s 64-Bit A7 Processor


Twitterrific iPhone
Twitterrific is now even better on iOS.
Photo: Cult of Mac

Twitterrific, arguably the best third-party Twitter client for iOS right now, has been updated to take advantage of the new 64-bit A7 processor built into the iPhone 5s. It was one of the first Twitter clients to embrace iOS 7’s new design guidelines, and it appears to be the very first to support Apple’s new processor, too.

Change Your iPhone’s Default Browser Option In Mailbox App [iOS Tips]


Mailbox Browser

Update: Mailbox developers emailed us today to let us know that the option to change default browsers is indeed in version 1.6.2, but only appears if you have Chrome installed. Hooray!

One of the biggest complaints about Apple’s iOS is the inability to decide which apps will open when you click links like website URLs and email addresses. Being able to change the default web browser, or the default mail application, would be a fantastic addition to an already great operating system, iOS 7.

Until then, though, we have to use mobile Safari, and Apple’s Mail app, at least when we click through to a link on Twitter or in an email.

The developers of the Mailbox app included a little feature that–when using the Mailbox app at least–will let you choose a different browser for any web URLs you click through to. Unfortunately, it only seems to hold true for an earlier version of Mailbox, 1.5.0, instead of the current version 1.6.2. We’ve emailed the Mailbox devs to find out where this setting went and why.

If you’re running 1.5.0, still, though, here’s how to enable it.

Mail Messages Now Have Linkable, Clickable URLs in iOS 7



I’d noticed that calendar events created from the iOS 7 Mail app now contain a clickable URL that links back to the original e-mail message, but what I didn’t know is just how rad this is. Federico “another espresso please” Viticci over at Mac Stories knows exactly how rad it is, though, because he dug in and found out that it’s not only system-wide for iOS 7, but hooks into something similar that the Mac has done for years.

Jimmy Kimmel Discovered The Cure For iOS 7 Motion Sickness [Video]




As you may have heard, a lot of users have complained of motion sickness while using their iPhones after upgrading to iOS 7. The new zooming and parallax effects that were added make a lot of people nauseous, but Jimmy Kimmel and his team of researchers have found an amazing new cure for those suffering from iPhone-induced motion sicknesses, it’s called “stop looking at your f**king phone every 5 seconds”

Check out the full video below:

Obama Compares Rollout Problems To iOS 7 Glitches


Maybe the coolest, most tech savvy president ever.
Maybe the coolest, most tech savvy president ever.
Photo: The White House

This afternoon President Obama addressed the nation to talk about the recent government shutdown, as well as to promote the rollout of the new U.S. healthcare coverage website that just launched today.

During his remarks President Obama addressed criticisms that is full of bugs and loads too slowly. Obama deflected most of the blame toward the more than 1 million people that visited the site before 7AM and bogged down the servers. The President did admit there are a lot of bugs that need to be addressed, but then he used Americas Most Valuable Brand, as an example of why rollouts don’t always go to well by comparing the rollout to glitches in iOS 7:

Issues With iMessage After Updating To iOS 7? Here’s How To Fix Them



It seems a lot of users who upgraded to iOS 7 last month are having issues with iMessage. Apple’s Support Communities forums are full of complaints from disgruntled iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users who cannot send or receive iMessages anymore, and you’ll find plenty of people voicing their frustrations on Twitter, too.

Initially it seemed Apple’s servers were the problem — as they often are when iMessage has problems — but that’s not the case. Instead, it appears to be a simple bug that can be easily rectified with a quick bit of tinkering. Here’s what you need to do.

Clear For iPhone Gets iOS 7 Update While Clear+ Comes To iPad



Clear for iPhone, the wonderful to-do app from Realmac Software, has now been optimized for Apple’s latest iOS 7 software. It features the latest Clear design — which was originally debuted in Clear+ last month — coupled with all of the functionality that makes Clear one of the finest to-do apps for iOS.

What’s more, Clear is now available on your iPad.

Compliment Siri On Her New Voice, See What He Says [iOS Tips]


Siri New Voice

iOS 7 comes with a brand new set of Siri voices. Here in the US, there’s an updated female voice, as well as a new male voice included in the latest and greatest mobile operating system.

Did you know, though, that Siri is proud of her new voice? Well, just let him know that you like her new vocal apparatus, and you’ll see a few fun new easter eggs as answers.

This Is How WhatsApp Should Look Under iOS 7 [Concept]



Given that it’s the most popular cross-platform messaging service on the planet, you might have thought that WhatsApp would have a new redesign ready to go when iOS 7 was made available to the public earlier this month, but as things stand, it’s still rocking its old look.

Presumably the team behind it are hard at work on the update as we speak, however, and hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for it. But in the meantime, check out these awesome WhatsApp for iOS 7 concept designs that give us a taster of what might be in store for our favorite messaging app.

iPhones Sell Like Gangbusters And We Dish iOS 7 Tips On Our All-New CultCast



Nine meeeel-leon iPhones… nine meeel-leon! Yes sir, Apple’s opening weekend iPhone sales were better than they’ve ever been, and that’s got to feel great after months of analysts asking if they’ve lost their touch. We’ll discuss the feat on our newest CultCast, plus, scoop you up a heapin’ helpin’ of iOS 7 tips and tricks, and wait… is that really our sweet Tim Cook that just joined twitter?

Have a few laughs whilst getting caught up on each week’s finest Apple stories! Stream or download new and past episodes of The CultCast now on your Mac or iDevice by subscribing on iTunes, or hit play below and let the unadulterated audio enjoyment begin. Show notes up next.

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