Facebook - page 14

Apple Music to face new competition from Facebook


Apple Music is about to get some new competition.
Photo: Apple

Spotify and Apple Music are now the two major players in the battle for music streaming supremacy, but if Facebook has its way the world’s most popular social network may also become the best place to discover and listen to tunes.

Facebook is in early talks with record labels to develop a music streaming service of its own, according to a new report that claims the social network has some bold plans for the future of music.

Facebook is making it easier to organize your News Feed


Get ready for the Big De-Cluttering.
Photo: Facebook

Facebook is making a pretty big update to its iOS app today — for the first time ever giving users a major say in how their News Feed is organized.

As anyone who has ever agonized over whether to unfriend that one person who keeps on posting incomplete statuses like “had a bad day :(” will know, up until now Facebook’s News Feed have been pretty much left up to the company’s algorithms.

That’s about to change. And about time, too!

Apple’s P2P payment patent has a focus on security


Touch ID could be a big part of Apple's supposed personal payment plan.
Photo: Apple

In a few years, “Sorry, I don’t have any cash on me” may no longer be a good enough excuse to give that chronically money-strapped friend when they come around asking to borrow a few bucks.

That’s because a newly released Apple patent suggests that the iPhone maker may be getting into the person-to-person payment game in future versions of its hardware.

Facebook’s same-sex celebration takes your profile pic to Rainbow Town


Facebook helps you celebrate Friday's Supreme Court ruling with a rainbow filter for your profile picture.
Facebook helps you celebrate Friday's Supreme Court ruling with a rainbow filter for your profile picture.

The highest court in the land has spoken. Gay marriage is now legal and much of Facebook is celebrating Friday’s historic day with messages, memes and pictures.

Facebook will help you celebrate pride by letting you add a rainbow filter to your profile picture.

The steps are simple. I volunteered my profile picture above to demonstrate how easy it is to show your colors.

Hardware and software predictions for WWDC 2015, on The CultCast


New titles and responsibilities in management could reshape Apple.
New titles and responsibilities in management could reshape Apple.
Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac

This week: We’ll tell you why the 2015 Worldwide Developers Conference may be one of the most mundane on record. Plus, Apple pretty much confirms Apple TV will be your home’s digital hub; Facebook’s an impenetrable fortress with too much power; and the tale of a Bay Area woman who unknowingly junked her $200,000 Apple-1 computer … whoopsie!

Our thanks to lynda.com for sponsoring this episode. Learn virtually any application at your own pace from expert-taught video tutorials at lynda.com.


Show notes ahead, compadre.

Great WWDC expectations, HomeKit’s killer app, our Facebook nightmare plus more


More Apple coverage than you can shake a selfie stick at.
More Apple coverage than you can shake a selfie stick at.
Cover: Stephen Smith/Cult of Mac

Download the latest Cult of Mac Magazine to find out what we’re all expecting from next week’s WWDC 2015, why we’re waiting for HomeKit’s killer app, what Kahney’s Korner has to say about the big Jony Ive promotion, a bit on our epic journey from hacked Facebook page to recovery, and check out an ‘Apple Watch Song’ fanboy anthem for the ages.

All that, plus product reviews, helpful tips, and more in this week’s Cult of Mac Magazine.

How to annoy your Facebook friends with GIFs


The GIFs have landed on Facebook.
The GIFs have landed on Facebook.
Photo: Buster Hein/Cult of Mac

Facebook and GIFs seem like they’ve both been fixtures of the Internet forever, but it has taken until 2015 for the two to finally hookup.

Starting today, Facebook users can annoy friends with the most amazing GIFs the web has to offer. Unfortunately, you can’t upload your favorite GIFs directly to Facebook but you can embed them from other websites.

Here’s how to do it:

Facebook Messenger is about to get its game on


Are you game?
Are you game?
Photo: Facebook

Just when you thought you were safe from ceaseless notifications from Farmville players, Facebook has let it be known that it is planning to add gaming apps to its secondary Messenger app. You know, the one you had to install on your iPhone because they took messaging functions out of the main Facebook mobile app.

Facebook is actively talking with game developers about using the Messenger platform to deliver gaming experiences, which would then lead to more interactions with the Messenger app, and probably revenues, as most of Facebook’s non advertising revenue comes from third-party games.

A whole new world: Woman allowed to serve divorce papers via Facebook


Facebook is killing your battery.
You can now serve legal papers via Facebook. Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac
Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac

Ellanora Baidoo, 26, can finally change her Facebook status to “single” after a landmark decision in a Manhattan courtroom Monday that allows her to serve her evasive husband via private message on Facebook.

This is the first time anyone has been able to use the ubiquitous social networking site to serve legally binding papers.

The Ghanaian nurse “is granted permission serve defendant with the divorce summons using a private message through Facebook,” wrote Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Matthew Cooper.

What’s next–small claims court via Twitter?

Facebook Messenger’s app store is here, and it sucks


Facebook Messenger's app platform is off to a pretty 'meh' start. Photo: Alex Heath/Cult of Mac

Facebook is building its own kind of app store around Messenger, or so was the pitch at the social network’s F8 conference last week.

But now that the new platform, which manifests itself as a list of approved iOS apps that integrate with Messenger, is out in the wild, it’s not that impressive.

Facebook Messenger wants to be your chatty pipeline to the world



Today Facebook unveiled the future of Messenger, and it’s actually quite ambitious.

It’s clear that the social giant wants Messenger to be the one-stop for not just messaging, but all sorts of app interactions. Businesses will also be able to chat directly with customers through Messenger, which opens the door for communicating directly with brands like never before.

How to kill Facebook’s annoying app sounds on your iPhone


Tired of the new bleeps already? Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac
Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac

You may have noticed recently that the Facebook app makes sounds. Like a post? Chirp. Refresh the news feed? Swoosh. It’s like your iPhone got suddenly chatty and wants you to know that you’re tapping on the screen with every blip and bloop.

Surely you’d like to turn these things off. You could just mute your whole iPhone with the sound toggle button, but if you want to have other audio come through, like video, music, or (gasp) phone calls, you can dip into your Facebook app settings and soon experience the bliss of a blip-free Facebook browsing experience.

Here’s how.

Facebook conquers death in the status update game


The Grim Reaper: Photo: Ordo/Flickr
Your Facebook account is now safe from the Grim Reaper: Photo: Ordo/Flickr

When it comes to dying, who’s going to take over my Facebook account isn’t one of my biggest worries, but if you want to ensure that you’re killing it on social media from the grave, Facebook just rolled out a new feature that lets you give your account to someone when the Grim Reaper comes knocking.

YubiKey wants to be like Touch ID for your Internet life


YubiKey opens the way to online security. Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac
YubiKey can make online security easy -- if it gains widespread adoption. Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac

LAS VEGAS — Nobody wants to get hacked like Jennifer Lawrence’s iCloud account. Everyone, including Apple, is pushing two-factor authentication in the wake of the high-profile hack that exposed dozens of celebrities nude selfies, but verifying an account login with a code sent to your phone is a total pain.

Cult_of_Mac_CES_2015 In the not-so-distant future, we might all be storing two-factor authentication on our keychains.

Yubico is already providing eight out of 10 Silicon Valley companies with a tiny USB dongle called YubiKey that securely verifies an employee’s online identity. You just plug it into a computer and tap it when it’s time to log in. Now that Gmail has started supporting YubiKey on the front end, anyone can use it as the second verification step for getting into their inbox.

Facebook releases a new stickers app for iOS


Stickers stickers everywhere. Photo: Facebook
Stickers stickers everywhere. Photo: Facebook

Facebook has just released yet another in its seeming interminable series of single serving apps of dubious utility. It’s called Stickers for Messenger, and surprise! It lets you slap virtual stickers on your photos before sending them to your friends through Messenger.

Facebook Messenger gets the slickest read receipts in town


Facebook wants to have the slickest read receipts in town. Photo: Facebook
Facebook wants to have the slickest read receipts in town. Photo: Facebook

Read receipts. They’re the first thing I turn off when I get a new messaging app or iOS device. But Facebook is doubling down on read receipts in the new Facebook Messenger, which has new, blisteringly fast notifications showing you exactly what’s going on with your message after you send it.

Tim Cook gives China’s Internet minister a sneak peek at Apple Watch


Cook welcomes China's Internet Minister to Apple. Photos: China.com.cn
Cook welcomes China's Internet Minister to Apple. Photos: China.com.cn

The minister of the Cyberspace Administration of China got a sneak peek at the Apple Watch during a recent visit to Apple’s Cupertino headquarters. Photos published by a state-owned website show Apple CEO Tim Cook demonstrating the device to Lu Wei, who also stopped by Facebook’s campus to meet Mark Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg attacks: If Apple really cared about customers, iPhones would cost less


Photo: John Brownlee
Facebook and Apple have generally had an amicable relationship, with occasional blips. Photo: John Brownlee

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has lashed out at Tim Cook’s privacy policy, calling it “ridiculous,” and knocking Apple for pricing its products as highly as it does.

Zuckerberg’s rebuttal follows comments made by Cook in September, in which he noted that, “When an online service is free, you’re not the customer. You’re the product.” While the message was most likely meant for long-time rival Google, Facebook’s head honcho definitely took it personally.

Read Zuckerberg’s impassioned response after the jump:

Facebook’s latest app is dedicated to groups


Screen Shot 2014-11-18 at 7.54.55 PM

Another day, another app from Facebook.

That seems to be the trend lately for the social networking giant, as seemingly every aspect of its service has been siloed into its own app. The latest is Facebook Groups for, you guessed it, managing and interacting with different groups.