Star Wars - page 6

EA Brings Origin To The Mac With Dual-Platform Play, Cloud Syncing & More



EA’s Origin platform has today made its public debut on the Mac, proving gamers with a Steam alternative that currently boasts 48 downloadable titles from EA and third-party developers like Sega and Warner Brothers. Its initial catalog includes Batman: Arkham City, Star Wars, The Sims 3, LEGO Harry Potter, Dragon Age 2 and many more — plus any expansion packs.

Ten Years Later, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Lands At The Mac App Store



A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy was created. (OK, so it wasn’t that far away, but Wisconsin, apparently home at the time of developer Raven Software, is an alien world.) But now this classic first-person shooter is available at the Mac App Store — so you can experience how much fun your PC friends were having a decade ago.

Now There’s A Case That Will Turn Your iPhone Into A LEGO Masterpiece [CES 2013]



CES 2013 bug LAS VEGAS, CES 2013 – I have an unhealthy love affair with LEGOs. They’re beautiful and fun, but also expensive. Have you seen how much it costs to build a replicate R2D2 and B-Wing fighter to put in your bedroom.

Smallworks isn’t helping me any either. They’re making iPhone cases that let you play with LEGOs right on your iPhone and morph it into any creation you can dream up.

Apple Exec Shakedown And The Fate Of Luke Skywalker On Our All-New CultCast



This week at Apple, two important executives just got picked off the tree, and on our newest CultCast, we’ll tell you what the departure of long time exec Scott Forstall and the just-hired John Browett means for iOS, OS X, Apple Stores, and all the great Apple products you adore. Plus, Jony Ive’s about to get even more design control over all the Macs you love to own, but the question is, is that a good thing?

Then, get out your lightsabers and prepare the X-Wings, we’re diving deep into the Disney acquisition of LucasFilm and what that means for everyone’s favorite space movies.

If this doesn’t end in another Spaceballs movie, we’re gonna be upset.

Subscribe to The CultCast now on iTunes, or easily stream new and previous episodes via Apple’s free Podcasts App. And please note, if episode 40 isn’t yet showing up for you, subscribing will fix that problem right quick.

Read on for the show notes!

Gameplay Footage Of Angry Birds Star Wars Shows The Awesome Power Of The Force [Video]



Anrgy Birds In Space didn’t do much to get me excited enough to fling birds around on my iPad, but Angry Birds Star Wars has rekindled my love for the cute slingshot loving birdies and their pig nemeses. Rovio just released gameplay footage of Angry Birds Star Wars (you can watch it in the video above), and yes, you will get to wield a lightsaber and shoot your blaster at AT-ATs once the game is released on November 8th.

Source: YouTube

Angry Birds Series Still Sees More Than 200 Million Active Users A Month


Those Angry Birds are still flying high.

It’s been nearly three years since Rovio’s first Angry Birds game made its debut on iOS devices, and you might have thought that interest in the series may have died down a little in that time. But you’d be very wrong indeed. According to the Finnish firm, Angry Birds games still see more than 200 million active users every single month.

Angry Birds Stars Wars Confirmed For November 8th



Well that didn’t take long. It’s only been three days since Rovio teased us with the possibility of an Angry Birds Star Wars game, and today, it’s official. Rovio has announced that they will be launching Angry Birds Star Wars worldwide on Novemeber 8th and a barrage of merchandise starting October 28th (in time to get your kids into Angry Birds Star Wars costumes).

Star Wars Angry Birds Might Be Coming On October 8th



How does an Angry Bird hold a lightsaber if they don’t have any hands? Maybe they’re able to use The Force and to help the weld a lightsaber and slice through mean little piggies. I don’t know. But we might find out real soon. On Twitter this morning Angry Birds posted a linkto their Tumblr where readers can find a GIF of an Angry Bird wearing a jedi cloak with a lightsaber.

The only info we’re given is, “Times Square, New York, October 8th, 10am EST. HINT: Head to Toys R Us at 8am EST!” Is Rovio launching a new Star Wars Angry Birds game, or will it just be Angry Birds Star Wars toys? Your guess is as good as ours.


Source: Tumblr

Is That A Wookiee In Your Pocket, Or Is That Just Your New Star Wars iPhone Case?


Screen Shot 2012-06-05 at 10.47.57 AM

These official Star Wars iPhone cases just announced by PowerA are just super cute. At $40, they’re pretty pricy, but LucasArts licensing ain’t cheap. Each case distills the iconic style of Star Wars‘s core characters — C-3PO, Darth Vader, R2-D2 and Chewbacca — into an attractive, quasi-abstract pattern. I particularly like the fur matting on the Chewbacca one.

Hey, who says a fanboy can’t look smart? These cases should be out later in the year.

Source: PowerA

It’s a Trap! Admiral Ackbar Singing Bass, And Other Amazing ThinkGeek April Fool Gags


We can't repel humor of this magnitude!
We can't repel humor of this magnitude!

Thankfully for tech bloggers the Anglo Saxon world over, this year April Fools Day aka All Fools Day fell on a Sunday. That didn’t stop PR folk waking from a fitful, hungover sleep, dragging their laptops into bed and sending out a “funny” press release, which is why you should probably still watch out today.

But above the dross stands — as it does every year — ThinkGeek. In the past, we have seen such April Fool wonders as the Taun Taun sleeping bag for kids, the iCade iPad arcade cabinet and the 8-bit tie. This year, ThinkGeek went to town with a whole range of fake gear. Here we take a look at the best.

This App Lets You Magically Control Your Music With The Wave Of A Hand



The coolest thing about the Microsoft Kinect is that it makes your feel like a freaking Jedi. Controlling a device by moving your hands or feet is ridiculously awesome when the technology works. Apple has been slow to jump on the motion control bandwagon, but that’s not stopping some clever developers from taking advantage of Apple’s built-in webcams and implementing their own crazy motion control technology. Enter Flutter – the new OS X app that lets you control all of your music without having to ever click a mouse.

Look Like Darth Vader And Charge Your iPhone At The Same Time With The AIRE Mask



Some people will use any excuse to go green, just like some nerds will use any excuse to wear a Darth Vader mask. So umm, why not just satisfy both parties at the same time and make a breath-powered iPhone charger that looks like it should be worn by Lord Vader or Bane? The AIRE mask is a silly looking contraption designed by Joao Paulo Lammoglia to recharge iPhones using the power of your lungs. Utilizing tiny wind turbines the AIRE mask converts your deep sighs and frenetic breaths into usable electricity to power your iDevice.

I Want This Holographic iPad To Be Real [CES 2012]


iPad hologram

LAS VEGAS, CES 2012 – As a kid who grew up in the ’80s, I feel robbed by the tech industry. Robbed, spit upon, and laughed at by a bunch of bald guys in suits who have deprived the ghost of my youth by failing to give me the technology they flaunted when I was a kid. I was promised holograms, damn it, so where the hell are they? Compared to holograms, touchscreens just seem like caveman technology.

Wading through the heaping mess of CES rubbish, I got lost in a time vortex. When I popped out the other side, I stumbled upon this little beauty. Behold! The holographic iPad!

Get Call of Duty 4, Civilization V, Star Wars the Force Unleashed and Many More Titles for 50% Off This Weekend [Deals]



Once you’re done stuffing your face full of turkey and gravy and recovered from your food coma, you’re going to need some entertainment for the rest of the weekend. How about some new games? Aspyr is currently having an awesome 50% off deal on some of their games biggest games. We’re not talking crappy boring titles either, we’re talking legit amazing games for 50% off. Call of Duty 4, Civilization V, Duke Nukem Forever, Star Wars The Force Unleashed, and many more titles are available between now and Monday, November 28th for download.

If you’re looking for something to do during your long weekend, you should probably head over to their site and get a few games for your Mac.

Check Out This Cool Star Wars / OS X Lion Mash-Up Wallpaper [Geek Humor]


A long time ago, in an operating system not too far away...

Reader Adam Moffat sent us this awesome mash-up of Lion’s cool new galaxy wallpaper and the famous opening shot of Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer chasing Princess Leia in the first few minutes of Star Wars.

We love it. Here’s the inspiration. If you think it’d make a fine desktop for your geeky Mac, you can download a high resolution copy from us here. Thanks for sharing your work with us, Adam!

Steve Jobs in Carbonite iPhone Case is Now a Collector’s Item



Well that was quick: last week we posted about the Steve Jobs in Carbonite case for the iPhone, and quipped that Apple’s Cease & Desist letter was likely on its way. And in fact, indeed it was. Greg Koenig, the case designer, wrote on his Studio Burb page on April 27:

Well it was fun while it lasted. Yesterday, Society6 was issued a cease and desist from Apple’s lawyers. So I’m sorry to say that the cases and skins are no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

As would be expected, the case has already hit eBay. Originally $35, current auction prices are averaging about $50 with a couple hitting $150 already. That’s a decent chunk of change for a small piece of plastic, but looks like it’s now a genuine collector’s item. One with a clever photo skin.

Vadernet: Running The Empire on System 6



It’s been a good week for Apple-Star Wars Geekdom. News today of a Death Star desktop screenshot, circa Mac System 6 era. TK-421 is not at his post (again), Darth is urgently looking for two lost droids, and spam exists on Vadernet even Far, Far Away.

Kudos to designer Matt Chase for this awesome vintage mockup of a black & white Safari, Mail and the right-click menu option to Move to Trash Compactor. Complete image (1920×1200) available here.

I suspect Darth has a Steve Jobs in Carbonite case on his iPhone, too. Or would that be Han Solo?

[via TUAW & Neatorama]

Preserve your iPhone with Steve Jobs in Carbonite


Steve Jobs in Carbonite iPhone Case

Now this is cute – and it likely won’t last. Society6 studio Burb is offering a Steve Jobs in Carbonite case for the iPhone. Very touching. Keep your iDevice clean and snug with the essence of Apple retained.

Available for iPhone 4 and 3G/3Gs, $35. Act fast, Apple’s next Cease & Desist is likely on the way…

[via TUAW]