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7 Jailbreak Tweaks Apple Killed In iOS 7



A lot of innovative ideas for iOS get introduced in the jailbreak community. Hackers and developers tinker around with Apple’s software and create new ways to access settings or multitask. And then Apple comes along and kills (or sherlocks) those ideas with its own take in a future iOS release. It happens every year without fail. 2013 and iOS 7 are no different.

Here are some popular jailbreak tweaks that Apple has rendered obsolete with iOS 7:

Auxo For iPad: The App Switcher Apple Wouldn’t Make [Jailbreak]



It all started as a concept in a forum. A designer who goes by the online name of “Sentry” posted mockups of a redesigned app switcher for the iPhone. It was such a unique and innovative take—webOS-like app cards and quick access to Settings toggles—that it got picked up by dozens and dozens of big websites, Cult of Mac included. “This is the awesome, radically redesigned app switcher we want to see in iOS 7,” we said at the time.

iOS 7 is right around the corner, and there’s been no indication that the app switcher will get a significant update.

Several months after the concept was first posted, it became reality in the form of an iPhone jailbreak tweak called Auxo. Now that hundreds of thousands of jailbreakers are using Auxo as a default app switcher replacement on the iPhone, an iPad version has finally been released.

Jailbreak Concepts We’d Like To See In iOS 7



Apple has been using ideas that originated in the jailbreak community for years. A jailbreak tweak called MobileNotifier enhanced push notifications in iOS 4, and Apple hired the guy who made it and released Notification Center in iOS 5. Jailbreakers were doing multitasking and tethering before Apple too.

Looking ahead at iOS 7, I honestly have no idea what to expect from Apple. Jony Ive has never really been a big fan of skeuomorphism, so flatter and more minimalist graphics wouldn’t surprise me. Some truly innovate ideas for enhancing the iOS experience have arisen in the past year, and I think it would be foolish for Apple to not at least draw inspiration from these three.

Hacked Carrier Update Now Available To iOS Devices On Sprint


If the next iPhone has LTE, Sprint still wants to offer you an unlimited plan.
If the next iPhone has LTE, Sprint still wants to offer you an unlimited plan.

A hacked carrier update that has the potential to deliver improved data speeds is now available to iPhone 5 users on Sprint. The modified update, which has previously been made available to devices on AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, does not require a jailbroken device — just a Mac or PC with iTunes.

AltKeyboard Will Turn You Into A More Efficient iPhone Typist [Jailbreak]



It takes practice to learn how to efficiently type on the iOS keyboard. Because all the keys are virtual, you have to tab through multiple layouts to access all of the available characters. I remember how slow I was at alternating keyboards to type numbers and punctation when I got my first iPhone. Over time, muscle memory kicks in and it becomes second nature.

What if there was a more productive way to type on iOS? A new jailbreak tweak called AltKeyboard is a fantastic enhancement every iPhone typist needs.

Keep Your Jailbreak And iOS Settings Separate, Where They Belong [Jailbreak]



If you’ve got a jailbroken iPhone, it can be a little bit confusing to manage the settings of your various tweaks. Sometimes they are in an app, sometimes they are in ‘Settings’ and even when they are where you expect them to be, they can often be buried.

PreferenceOrganizer is a new Cydia tweak that keeps your default iOS settings and jailbreak settings separate, like you’d expect them to be. Unfortunately, though, you might have to jump through a hoop or two to set it up.

Get A Clean iOS Install Without Losing Your Jailbreak With Semi-Restore [Jailbreak]



If you jailbreak your iOS devices, there usually comes a point where you get stuck on an older firmware because the latest one hasn’t yet been hacked by the jailbreak community. When this time comes, it’s almost impossible to restore your device and start with a clean OS without losing your jailbreak.

But not anymore. A new app called Semi-Restore provides you with a clean install of your current firmware without updating your device and killing your jailbreak.

Hacked AT&T Carrier Update Promises Faster Data Speeds On iOS


AT&T might finally get its comeuppance for throttling data. Photo: Apple.
AT&T might finally get its comeuppance for throttling data. Photo: Apple.

Earlier this month, a hacked carrier update for the T-Mobile iPhone 5 that brought increased data speeds was released by Joe Brown and Sky Zangas, two developers behind iTweakiOS. Now the duo have released a similar hack for AT&T devices, only this time, it’s not just for the iPhone.

The hacked carrier update also supports the iPad and promises to improve data performance on both LTE and HSPA+.

Springtomize Dev Releases Exquisitely Beautiful Non-Jailbreak Finance App For iPhone



Filippo Bigarella is best known for being the developer of some of the most popular jailbreak tweaks for iOS, including Springtomize, LivelyIcons, and PasswordPilot Pro. But he’s just launched his first official iPhone app through the App Store.

It’s called Balances, and it’s a wonderfully simply finance app with a gorgeous interface that’ll help you keep track of the money you owe and the money owed to you.

This Gorgeous Theme Gives Your iPhone A Much-Needed Lick Of Paint [Jailbreak]



iOS is a fantastic platform, but as it approaches its sixth birthday, it’s in desperate need of a lick of paint. If you jailbreak your devices, then you don’t need to sit and wait for Apple to administer that, because you can take the design refresh into your own hands by theming.

The only issue with that is finding a theme that’s as beautiful as the hardware it’s running on. There aren’t many out there that fit this description, but iMIUI from Xiaomi is one of them.

Cydia Comes To Android



On iOS, Cydia is the premier way to load unsigned apps onto your jailbroken iPhone or iPad… but since Android supports side-loading, it has no place on Google’s operating system, right?

Wrong, apparently. Today, the devs behind Cydia and Mobile Substrate have announced that Cydia is coming to Android. But it won’t be quite what you think.

Killing iOS Apps Is Easy With Slide2Kill [Jailbreak]



Killing iOS apps — not just closing them, but killing them completely — is nowhere near as simple as it should be.

First you have to double-tap the home button to open the multitasking tray, then you have to tap and hold the app’s icon, and then you have to close it by tapping the tiny circle. That’s a pain if you have several apps you wish to kill at once.

But with a new tweak for jailbroken iOS devices called Slide2Kill, you can completely kill iOS apps with just a swipe.

Slide To Unlock App Shortcuts From The iPhone’s Lockscreen With Axis [Jailbreak]



If there’s one part of iOS that Apple needs to be paying more attention to, it’s the lockscreen. Case in point: jailbreak developers and concept designers are coming up with some really innovate ideas for making use of the first screen we all see when we check our iPhones.

Axis, a new jailbreak tweak that began as a simple concept some months ago, is another great example of doing more with the lockscreen. Apps can be assigned to the bottom of the screen and quickly opened with a swipe gesture.

How To Get The iTunes 11 MiniPlayer On Your iOS Device [Jailbreak]



iTunes 11 has a nifty MiniPlayer that lets you quickly access music controls and queue up more tunes on OS X. The point of the MiniPlayer is that it stays out of your way, but also readily available anywhere on your Mac’s screen.

Since we don’t have desktop-like widget functionality in iOS, something like a MiniPlayer can’t float between apps. But thanks to jailbreaking, you can get a slick, iTunes-inspired MiniPlayer on your jailbroken iPhone or iPad.

Luna Enables ‘Do Not Disturb’ With A Quick Swipe On The iPhone’s Lockscreen [Jailbreak]


Luna jbtweak

I often forget that the Do Not Disturb toggle in iOS 6 exists. It’s a great feature for quickly shutting out the noise, but the problem is that you have to open the Settings app to enable. Do Not Disturb feels like something that should immediately accessible.

Luna is a new jailbreak tweak based on a concept we showed you at the beginning of the year. From the iPhone’s lockscreen, pull down on the time to enable Do Not Disturb. Pull down again to disable. It’s that simple.

I don’t use Do Not Disturb that often, but this tweak makes toggling it on and off incredibly fluid. When you want the notifications to stop pouring in, just swipe on the lockscreen. Genius.

Luna is available in Cydia now for $2.

New Tweak Makes Yahoo’s New Weather App The Default On iPhone [Jailbreak]



Yahoo! launched its new Weather app for iPhone a few weeks ago, and it’s quite possibly one of the prettiest weather apps you’ll find in the App Store. It’s received a ton of praise for its design, which combines gorgeous Flickr photos with clean, minimalist graphics.

If you instantly made it your new weather app — just like we did — then you’ll be pleased to know you can know make it your default weather app on iPhone with a new jailbreak tweak called “YahooWeatherisBetter.”

New Tweak Activates Google Now On iOS Wherever You Live [Jailbreak]



The Google Search app for iOS was updated earlier this week to bring Google Now to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. but it seems that the service isn’t yet supported in all territories. As is often the case, however, the jailbreaking community has a solution.

GoogleNowEnabler is a new tweak that promises to activate Google Now on your iOS device no matter where you live.