jailbreak - page 22

Siri Hacked To Accept Custom Commands



Siri’s a smart little moppet, but she can’t do everything for you. You can’t ask her to find you a picture of a dog from Google Images, or see if the guy you have a blind date with that night is a registered sex offender, or really do anything that Siri and Wolfram Alpha aren’t already programmed to do.

The good news is that Siri hacker chpwn has teamed up with GitHub hacker Aman Gupta to figure out how to add custom Siri commands. The bad news is it’s quite complicated, and there’s no way to do it right now for yourself.

Here’s The Reason We Could All Be Waiting A Long Time To Install Siri On Our Older iOS Devices



Over the weekend, we showed off Siri running on a jailbroken iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G thanks to the tireless efforts of iPhone hackers chpwn and Steve Troughton.

Clearly, Siri works just fine on lesser devices like the iPhone 4 and iPod touch, but despite this, chpwn and Troughton warned that we wouldn’t see an authorized release anytime soon. Now chpwn is clarifying why, and it’s just as the Dev Team warned us: Siri on non-iPhone 4S devices require piracy.

Siri Hacked To Run On The iPhone 4 And iPod touch 4G [Video]



This could be fake, but it certainly looks real to us: iPhone hackers chpwn and Steve Troughton say they’ve gotten Siri working on the iPhone 4 and fourth-gen iPod touch, and they’ve got video to prove it. So it is possible. Sadly, though, both hackers say that whatever method they used for exploit is not for public release any time soon, so the rest of us poor suckers will just have to keep twiddling our thumbs.

IntelliScreenX Isn’t Just What Notification Center Should Have Been, It’s A Reason To Jailbreak



If you’ve already updated to iOS 5, I’m sure one of the features you’re enjoying most is the new Notification Center. It’s a fantastic addition to iOS, and something we were begging for from Apple for some time. However, there are a number of ways in which Notification Center can be improved… and one of them is to install IntelliScreenX.

How to Make iOS Look Just Like OS X Lion


Screen shot 2011-09-13 at 3.43.21 PM (732 x 702)

Those who jailbreak their iPhones have access to a plethora of interesting and unusual themes. While some of these themes are less impressive than others, a new theme has popped up that stands out from the rest.

Want to make your iPhone look like it runs OS X Lion? There’s a jailbreak theme for that. And it looks incredible.

AT&T Will Force Unlimited Jailbreak Tetherers To Upgrade On August 11th, Here’s How To Thwart Them



AT&T is informing jailbreak tetherers on grandfathered unlimited data plans that either they stop tether or sign up for 2GB tethering plan. If you don’t abide, AT&T will sign you up for a 2GB tethering plan and kill your grandfathered unlimited data plan for good.

A thorny wicket. It’s probably not fair to congest AT&T’s networks by sucking up data from your iPhone to play World of Warcraft on your MacBook Pro without, you know, paying for it, but if you’re intent on doing so, there may be a way to avoid AT&T’s scrutiny, keep tethering through your jailbroken iPhonei, and keep your unlimited data plan, all at the same time.

Meet The 19 Year Old Jailbreaker Who Keeps Apple’s iOS Engineers Terrified


Allegra posses a very specific set of skills, and he knows how to use them.
Allegra posses a very specific set of skills, and he knows how to use them.

If you have the slightest interest in jailbreaking iOS devices, then I’m sure you’ve heard of Comex, the genius behind JailbreakMe 3.0 and an eminent member of the jailbreaking community. Despite keeping any personal details about his private life a secret since he began cracking Apple’s gadgets, Comex reveals his real name, his age, and what he’s up to in his first interview.

FaceForward Jailbreak Tweak Revives Official Facebook App for iPad



It was revealed yesterday that the long-awaited Facebook app for iPad was already here — not in the App Store, but hidden away inside the Facebook app for iPhone. We published details on how to install the app on your iPad, but soon after the news spread, Facebook decided to block access to those using the app before its public release.

Fortunately, as is often the case with these things, jailbreakers have provided a workaround — a new tweak called FaceForward that reactivates the official Facebook app for iPad.

iOS 4.3.5 Can Be Jailbroken With Latest RedSn0w Release



Apple’s latest iOS 4 update dropped yesterday, which “fixes a security vulnerability with certificate validation.” Jailbreakers were initially advised not to update to the latest firmware, but as long as you’re happy with a tethered jailbreak for the foreseeable future, you’re safe to go ahead and update your device and then jailbreak with the latest RedSn0w release.

Apple Kills Untethered Jailbreaking in iOS 4.3.4


Image courtesy of Christian Bryan on Flickr
Image courtesy of Christian Bryan on Flickr

Apple released its promised iOS 4.3.4 software towards the end of last week to fix a security vulnerability in mobile Safari that made the latest JailbreakMe exploit possible. It goes without saying, then, that updating your device will eliminate the possibility of jailbreaking with JailbreakMe, but it will also kill all other untethered jailbreaks too!