language apps - page 3

Learn a new language with this highly rated app [Deals]


Using speech recognition, native speakers and even AR, this app takes mobile language learning to a new level.
Using speech recognition, native speakers and even AR, this app takes mobile language learning to a new level.
Photo: Cult of Mac Deals

It’s easy to put off learning a new language. But adding a language app to your iPhone can help. Since your device is always with you, you can learn a language anywhere.

Language apps are perfect for plane rides or waiting for your date at the restaurant — and Mondly raises the bar.

Spend just minutes a day to finally learn a foreign language [Deals]


Backed by speech recognition, this app will help you reach intermediate Spanish in just 20 minutes a day.
Backed by speech recognition, this app will help you reach intermediate Spanish in just 20 minutes a day.
Photo: Cult of Mac Deals

Making the resolution to learn a new language is easy. Like any commitment, seeing it through is harder. So unless you’re surrounded by native speakers, you’ll need to find another way to carve out time each day and get feedback on your progress.

Pick up a new language with this interactive iPhone app [Deals]


Learn up to 130 languages with a lifetime subscription to the uTalk app language learning app.
Learn up to 130 languages with a lifetime subscription to the uTalk app.
Image: Cult of Mac Deals

The benefits of learning a second language are endless. Get fluent, and you can cruise around like a local during trips abroad, expand your business to overseas markets or simply keep your brain stimulated.

Luckily, diving into a new language doesn’t need to be limited to a classroom setting. The uTalk interactive language app makes learning a foreign language simple, fun, effective and convenient. And right now, you can save a bundle on a lifetime subscription to this powerful learning tool.

Learn a new language on your commute with the uTalk app [Deals]


Score lessons in 6 languages on any mobile device, for 92 percent less than the usual cost.
Score lessons in 6 languages on any mobile device, for 92 percent less than the usual cost.
Photo: Cult of Mac Deals

As the world shrinks, the reasons for learning a new language are growing. But the time and consistency for language study can be elusive. So this deal on portable, flexible, lifelong language lessons is a must-see for any aspiring polyglot.