Giles Turnbull - page 32

How Eugene Became A Porn King In Japan



Here’s a hilarious 5 minute talk by Eugene Lin, explaining how his career as an iPhone app developer started, shook unsteadily for a while, bumped into some rocks, lost altitude, gained altitude, and finally rocketed skywards when he had a certain ephiphany.

That epiphany: give people what they want. Which these days often involves scantily clad women. Better still, virtual ones. Better still, virtual ones in 3D. Well, sort of 3D, but you get the idea.

Now are you starting to see why the iSlabTabletSlateCanvasBookPadPod is going to sell so well?

Via Boing Boing.

Feed Your Rumor Addiction With Prediction App



Tablet? YES!

With its own App Store? MAYBE!

More hype than Avatar? CERTAINLY!

If you’ve spent the last week or so thinking about the new iTabletSlateBookCanvasPod and nothing else, you’ll probably want to grab David Weiss’s Prediction score card for tomorrow’s big announcement. Then you can check off the features as they come tumbling from the Jobsian lips.

Or, you could shell out a couple of bucks for Weiss’s freshly-approved iPhone app of the same name. This gives you the chance to drool slavishly over the whole gamut of upcoming tech events. (It’s true: other companies do sometimes hold events and announce things.)

The app connects you to an online community of predictions, predictors, and metadata thereof. You can add your own predictions to the mix, and feast on the glory of recognition by your peers when you are proved right. Alternatively, count how many blogs reported your predictions as damn-near-fact even though you ended up getting them all spectacularly wrong. Which is another kind of glory too.

Via John Gruber.

Steve Ballmer Signs A Mac



Gaines Kergosien filmed this amusing little interlude at Trevecca Nazarene University the other day.

A student politely asked Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to sign his Mac – and Ballmer genially played along.

Next week, Sergey and Larry will be doing guest slots in a “Get a Mac” ad, with Sergey as Mac and Larry as PC.

(Via The Guardian.)

Email For The People: Devs Start Planning A New Email Client


Photo by mattwi1s0n, used under CC License

Users of Mac OS X are spoilt for choice when it comes to notepad apps. We have dozens of text editors and word processors to choose from. There are more browsers than we can shake a collective stick at.

But email clients? Well, there’s not so many of those. And one developer, Brent Simmons of NetNewsWire fame, says he’d like to see at least one more.

Cheese: Yes, There’s An App For That Too



Cheese, ladies and gentlemen: cheese.

Beloved foodstuff of Wallace and Gromit, primary geological building block of the moon, and cause of a surprising number of international disputes. And frequently, the main ingredient in my lunchtime sandwiches.

Anyway, if you can’t let a day pass without thinking about cheese, without wishing for a nice firm chunk of cheese to chew on, or without wondering what cheese would best accompany the cheesy dish you’re planning to eat when you get home tonight, you might wish to shell out a couple of dollars for the Fromage app for iPhone or iPod touch.

Fromage lists hundreds of cheeses from Europe and the United States. For each cheese, there’s a photo, a description, and some tasting notes.

Version 3 of the app added personalization: you can add star ratings to all the cheeses you’ve tried, and write your own notes into a built-in database of cheese history goodness.

Cheese. Cheese, cheese, cheese. Cheese.

iPhone Becomes Control Panel For Hybrid Electric Bike Gadget


Photo by Max Tomasinelli. A MIT Senseable City Lab project

The Copenhagen climate talks last December might have been a political disaster, but here’s another project from the same city that might make a difference for some. And yay – it’s iPhone friendly.

The Copenhagen Wheel is an ingenious hub that you can fit to almost any bike, instantly turning it into a hybrid electric bicycle and data capture device.

Clip your iPhone or A.N.Other smartphone on to the handlebars, and it can talk to the wheel over Bluetooth.

Lego iPhone Steering Unit Made of Awesome



This video is all over Twitter this morning, and you can see why.

Never mind a rotating Lego iPhone dock – here’s one with added steering wheel, so you can use it to play all your fave tilt-to-steer racing games.

Expect crappy plastic versions of this to appear pretty much everywhere in the coming months, all of them priced 20 bucks and none of them any good. If you really want one, build your own.


Cinch Makes Window Resizing A Cinch


Cinch in action - note the visual feedback as a dotted outline of where the window will be moved to

One of the features I loved from the first moment I saw it in Windows 7 was Snap, the one that lets you instantly resize any document window by dragging it to one side of your screen.

Irradiated Software makes a Mac utility that does a similar job. It’s called Sizeup, and I find it pretty useful. But it’s keyboard-controlled, not mouse-controlled, and you have to remember some new shortcuts to get the most from it. How about a mouse-controlled alternative?

Enter Cinch, a new app from the Sizeup developers.

Review: iVideoCamera Doesn’t Do Great Video, But It’s A Start



So Apple has allowed into the Store a third-party video recording application for plain old 2G and 3G iPhones; but honestly, don’t get your hopes up too high.

20091215-ivideocameraicon.jpgiVideoCamera by Laan Labs suffers some serious limitations: it only records three frames a second, it can only record for a minute at most, and resolution is just 160×213. It’s little more than a series of stills stitched together into something vaguely resembling moving pictures.