A huge bouquet of roses makes a great last-minute gift for $40


Get a huge bouquet of 24 roses for less than $40 today.
Get more than half off a bouquet of two dozen roses with free shipping.
Photo: Cult of Mac Deals

Luther Burbank said, “Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.” Is there a better gift you can give than that, especially at the last minute?

Make your loved ones happier with a delivery of two dozen roses, on sale for just $39.99 with free shipping (regularly $85) through December 30.

Get two dozen mixed-color roses for less than half the price

For less than half the regular price (no coupon needed), you’ll get 24 beautiful long-stem roses. Each bouquet is filled with a farmer’s choice of two different colors of gorgeous farm-fresh roses: 12 of one color and 12 of another, hand-selected by the experts at Rose Farmers.

You can opt for setting up the delivery yourself and letting your loved one know what’s on the way, or you can print out the voucher, slip it into a greeting card and present it at your holiday event so they can decide when they’d most enjoy a beautiful pick-me-up.

Continental U.S. addresses are covered (other than P.O. boxes). Sunday deliveries are not an option, though, and it’s wise to select a day or two before the date you really need the flowers delivered in case of carrier delays. So be mindful of that when planning your gift if you’ll be handling the entire process.

A great last-minute gift for now or plan-ahead gift for later

Maybe you’re the type who likes to think ahead. You can purchase today for a Valentine’s Day gift and have one less thing to think about when the time comes. (A bouquet pairs nicely with a steeply discounted meal at your favorite restaurant.) Of course, you could always buy some flowers for yourself — nothing wrong with that.

No matter who’s meant to receive this delivery, it’s sure to impress, with multiple 5-star reviews telling the story. Customers praise the speedy service and high quality: “Flowers arrive on time, in excellent condition and with large blooms,” wrote one. “I have bought from them twice and will again!”

Get 24 Mixed Color Roses shipped for only $39.99 (regularly $85), no coupon needed.

Buy from: Cult of Mac Deals

Prices subject to change.


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