Apple - page 73

Prediction: PowerBooks Get iSights in NYC Wednesday



Victor Agreda, Jr. , who normally posts over at The Unofficial Apple Weblog, kindly posted some predictions over here about Apple’s announcement in New York Wednesday, saving me the trouble.

Victor writes:

“The PowerBooks will get iSights, as will Apple LCD monitors. We’ll see a sort of iPhoto Pro, but mostly it’ll be a cataloging tool with great RAW support.

Also some other software surprises, and of course, the updates to the G5 towers (dual core dualies, yeah baby!).

You heard it here first for some reason.”

About the anticipated updates, analyst Rob Enderle said: “Apple is very good at getting people revved up into a frenzy to buy something from the company even if they’re not sure what.”

Eminem Disses the IPod?



There’s an odd moment in Eminem’s new iPod ad for Apple that seems to illustrate his contempt for either Apple or advertising.

As the ad starts, Eminem’s singing his hit Lose Yourself while a silhouette dancer wearing white earbuds prances about. But suddenly, at the ad’s midpoint, Eminem shouts, “Move it out!” and shoves the iPod dancer aside. The dancer flies out of the frame.

The gesture’s appropriate for a rap video, but not an iPod ad. It’s odd that Eminem got away with such a thing — shoving the figure representing the buyer out of the picture. It undermines the whole ad.

See for yourself. Watch the ad here.

The ad has a history, of course. Eighteen months ago, Eminem sued Apple for allegedly using Lose Yourself without his permission. I seem to remember him making noises about “selling out” at the time. Obviously he changed his mind, but I wonder if the shoving is his way of trying to maintain his dignity?

‘One More Thing…’ Special Event Not About PowerBooks, Power Macs

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The big flaw in ThinkSecret’s fun-spoiling story that next week’s special event will about PowerBooks and Power Macs, is that Apple doesn’t hold special media events for these kind of upgrades.

Incremental upgrades of existing products are usually ushered in with a press release, or a Macworld mention at best.

Oh, and now ThinkSecret’s saying it is about the iPod, but not the video iPod. New iPod–but not video–on next week’s itinerary.

Sorry, but I’m not convinced.

Apple to Intro Video IPod?



Apple will introduce a major product on October 12 — and it may be the long-awaited video iPod.

The company on Tuesday sent out invites to an event at the plush California Theater in San Jose, where Steve Jobs and Bono introduced the U2 iPod last year.

“Join Apple for ‘One More Thing…'” the invite says, refering to Steve Jobs’ famous line before he unveils a major product.

The invite gives no clue about the product, but AppleInsider — a somewhat reliable rumor site — says it’s a video-capable iPod.

The new iPod will be 60 Gbytes and sport a large, high-resolution color screen.

“The release of the iPod video is expected to be accompanied by a ‘major update’ to Apple’s iTunes music store that will include a significant number of music videos and other short video content,” AppleInsider says.

The site says a video-cpable Airport Express is also in the works.

Apple’s Selling Scads of Nanos



The iPod nano is flying off store shelves, says Wall Street bank Piper Jaffray.

As reported in Forbes:

Available for six days, the music player is seeing high demand, based on a survey of 20 Apple retail stores, Piper Jaffray said. “No store that we checked with had black 4-gigabyte nanos in stock.”

In the New York Times, Dacid Pogue says the nano will effect Apple’s market share of MP3 players. Writes Pogue:

Apple’s market share won’t stay at 80 percent. It’s about to go up.

If you doubt it, then you haven’t yet handled the iPod Nano: a tiny, flat, shiny wafer of powerful sound that Apple unveiled last week. Beware, however: to see one is to want one. If you hope to resist, lash your credit card to your wallet like Odysseus to the mast.

Homemade Glass iPod Speakers



Spotted on Flickr, a homemade iPod speaker system from someone called ianbrown42 (surely not the great Ian Brown):

“These are remote iPod speakers I scratch-built for my wife’s iPod shuffle. It’s all scientific glass and aluminium construction. The sub-woofer is an inverted glass dome, and a fresnel lens from a rail-car. The guts of the thing is borrowed from a stock computer amp, whilst the speakers themselves are Apple Pro’s.”

“You can see from this alternate view that the tripod legs are made from aluminium garden trowles, polished up.

You can see the CD player I used to test it in the bottom right corner – this thing is huge, and weighs a ton (15 kilos).

The sound is pretty good, as you would expect of apple speakers, but the sub-woofer thumps a bit. Overall a fun project!”

Scads and Scads of Shuffle Art

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The new ShuffleArt website offers several custom vinyl stickers for the iPod Shuffle. The stickers are for sale, though the ‘pre-order now’ button doesn’t seem to be working.

The site joins PodSkinz, which provides some really stunning iPod sticker art from dozens of artists and designers. (No Shuffle stickers, though).

And then there’s Japan’s Shuffle Sticker Uploader, a BBS boasting dozens of home-brew designs and a downloadable template.

Hit the “Next 5 posts” button at the bottom of each page to see all the designs. There are dozens of pages — I ran out of patience before seeing them all. Because of the site’s huge bandwidth, older designs are stored at the Shuffle Art Archive, where there are more than 200 Shuffle sticker designs.

(Via Cool Hunting)

Steve Jobs in Lego

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Marking Steve Jobs’ 50th birthday today, artist Tomi has created a Lego version of the Apple CEO delivering a keynote speech.

The limited-edition Lego Jobs is portrayed onstage clutching an iPod and an iPod shuffle. His image is projected on a backdrop behind him — just like a real Macworld Expo keynote

The figure is limited to 300, and will go on sale at midnight tonight (ET) for $17. See the PodBrix site.

Tomi’s last figure — a silhouette from the iPod ads — sold out in 10 hours, according to the site.

Shocker: Anti-MS Sentiment at Apple HQ

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Spotted in the car park at Apple HQ.

Says the photographer: “Great car, right attitude — this driver’s got class!”

Update: In the interest of preserving the driver’s privacy, I removed the link to the original picture which clearly shows the license number. Thanks Davinder.

Web Satire Correctly Predicts IPod Shuffle




Oddly, a BBSpot satire from last September skewering Apple almost perfectly predicted the iPod Shuffle.

Apple: Next-Generation iPods Will Have No User Interface, Controls

Cupertino, CA – Close on the heels of a recent redesign to its popular iPod line of digital music players, Apple CEO Steve Jobs confirmed today that the next-generation devices will have no interface, ports or controls of any kind.

“With each successive refresh to iPod, we’ve made the design simpler and cleaner,” said Jobs at a rare sneak-peek press conference Thursday. “It’s time to take it to the next level.”

He then drew back a velvet curtain to reveal reference designs for the new devices. Onlookers gasped, then stood and applauded vigorously.

“Brilliant!” said one.

“Genius!” said another.

“Editors’ Choice 2006! Why even test it?” shrieked one reporter as spittle flew from his mouth.

When asked how users will load, navigate or listen to music on the device, Jobs replied, “Uh, wait and see,” his eyes darting nervously about him. He then mumbled something about MacWorld before melting into the crowd.

In the wake of the event, Apple-related chat rooms were filled with speculation on the means by which the device works. Many think the new iPods will come pre-loaded with music you will like, recognize what you want to hear, when and at what volume, and play it via some sort of wireless neural link, possibly using Bluetooth-enabled nanomachines. One blogger believed the device is nothing more than a hard drive in a sleek plastic case and has no practical function, but was quick to add he would buy one regardless.”

Bernard Belanger’s Whimsical Mac Mods

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Designer and photographer Bernard Belanger builds fun mods out of old Macs.

Ze Cube is a 10-inch clear plastic cuboid made from the guts of an old Mac Classic II.

Ze PowerSuitcase is an upgraded Mac Quadra 700 in a metal Smith-Corona typewriter case. Bernard hooked it to a projector for creating visuals at a concert in Quebec City.

And the SE/30-TV is a Mac SE/30 in a homemade wooden TV cabinet. It appears to be installed in a bar and displays QuickTime movies in a loop. What bar and what movies, Bernard doesn’t say.


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Presumably, Mule Design’s Cephal-iPod, a $20 felt iPod case, is inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s tentacled overlord, the Cthulhu, but I’ve never read the books.

The site says:

“Your iPod’s glaring whiteness is relaying signals back to the humans. Protect yourself from harmful rays in style with this hand-crafted hip cozy made of (possibly) organic felt.

…and don’t forget to dress it up with a Welcome Squid Overlords shirt.”