liveblog - page 4

Samsung vs. Apple Day 9: Andries van Dam Gives Testimony [Liveblog]



San Jose, CA — The Samsung vs. Apple trial continues in the afternoon with testimony from Dr. Andries van Dam, a pioneer in computing graphics and a long-time professor at Brown University. He is here in the Federal courthouse to invalidate the ‘381 Apple patent of “snap-back” touch screen functionality by identifying “prior art” design of gadgets before the iPhone and iPad innovations.

Back to Mac Liveblog: Steve Jobs Comes On Stage



With his usual fanfare, Steve Jobs has just strutted onto the stage at Apple’s own Cupertino headquarters for today’s Back to the Mac event.

Steve’s looking confident, and he has every reason to be with $50 billion in the bank. The big question is, what will Apple be announcing today to add to the corporate coffers? iLife ’11 and OS X 10.7 are definites, as is a new MacBook Air… but could we also see a Verizon iPhone, refreshed MacBooks and maybe the slam dunk of a totally new product that Apple has somehow managed to keep completely secret by the end of the next hour and a half?

Place your bets in the comments, but best do it quick: Steve’s about to open his mouth, and that’s when the bets begin to close, one by one.

[image via Engadget]

UPDATED: Dancing with the Woz Liveblog Pt. 3



Image via San Jose Mercury News

UPDATE: Woz has made it through to round three without even having to be part of a dance-off! He wasn’t in the group of the worst two dance couples! Can you smell what the Woz is cookin’?

Quote: “That was the most incredible surprise. I was setting myself up to be so happy doing my dance again. When that came, my world turned in an instant”¦I was crying. I still have tears a little.”

We’re back! Woz is going on, and he pulled a hamstring! This is going to be good!

9:22 p.m. Woz, sporting a fauxhawk, is attempting a samba. He can barely walk.

9:23 p.m. As my wife notes, this is the only time he hasn’t had a feather boa.

9:24 p.m. Um. Woz just did the worm. Yeah, that worm. That was amazing.

9:24 p.m. The female judge is dissing on his worm. “You’re so cute, but the novelty is wearing thin.” Also: “You’re like the uncle at the party!”

9:25 p.m. Cranky old British man: “You’re meant to be killing the dance, but the dance is killing you.”

9:26 p.m. Bruno: “Steve, this was the worst samba I have seen in my whole life!”

9:26 p.m. Wozdom: “One thing I learned is that if you mix a samba with a little Smirnoff, you’ll end up in the hospital!” Smirnoff is the last name of his partner.

9:27 p.m. Woz got 10 points. That’s the lowest he’s gotten ever. Ouch. Woz remains committed to bringing his brand of entertainment to America.

9:30 p.m. And we’re outta here!

Dancing With the Woz Lightning Round Liveblog!



Hold onto your seats, ladies and gentlemen. Steve Wozniak is in a dance-off against former Go-Gos lead singer Belinda Carlisle, who apparently lost the beat at some point in her routine last week. Results imminently.

9:43 p.m. Belinda Carlisle just finished her routine with the world’s most awkward headstand/look-at-my-crotch! move I’ve ever seen.

9:44 p.m. And the judges hated it, just 17 points! Woz might live to fight another day!

9:49 p.m. AANNDDD…we’re BACK!

9:50 p.m. Steve’s going for the quickstep again! This is apparently quite gutsy. And his partner is giving a dull inspirational speech.

9:51 p.m. Steve just stole her feather boa! That’s a good start!

9:51 p.m. This feels worse than last night, actually.

9:52 p.m. It does seem a lot more energetic now that we’re getting to the end. Woz is obviously really tired out now, but he had a blast doing it…

9:52 p.m. Bruno admires Steve’s sunny disposition. But “You are NOT a good dancer; but I love watching you!”

9:52 p.m. Carrie-Ann: “I liked you were better tonight. You were smoother!”

9:53 p.m. Stuffy English judge is impressed that Steve danced at all. And notes he’s the “best for fun and entertainment.” Which is pretty good praise for the creator of the world’s first dial-a-joke service.

9:53 p.m. Debrief interview. Steve: “I just loved doing it the whole time.” If eliminated: “We were lucky enough to do it twice!”

9:54 p.m. It’s another 17! That’s a tie with Belinda Carlisle. If Steve got more audience votes, he stays! I have to imagine there are more geeks than Go-Gos fans.

10:00 p.m. Good lord that was a long ad break. This stupid show goes until 10:03 p.m.

10:01 p.m. Belinda Carlisle’s going home! Woz is still in! WOZ IS STILL IN!

10:01 p.m. That’s one surprised Apple founder.

10:01 p.m. Apparently, we’ll be back next week, folks…

Dancing With The Woz Liveblog, Vol. 2



We’re apparently about 10 minutes away from Woz’s second dance here on the West Coast. Stay tuned in these parts for my coverage. But keep your eyes shut for awhile — I just had to witness Jewel’s cowboy husband quick-stepping to Tom Cochrane’s “Life is a Highway.”

NOTE FROM WOZ: “I had my new All Star sneakers on. They put suede on the bottom so that they can slide. The first time through they slipped twice so I stepped in some goo that helps. The next time through they only slipped once and just barely.”

I need Chuck Taylors with suede soles!

8:50 p.m.: Gymnast Shawn Johnson is being profiled in the world’s blandest behind-the-scenes segment. We’re almost to Woz! (Edit: Good lord, Shawn is orange!)

8:54 p.m.: Italian judge Bruno just announced that he would have liked Shawn’s routine to be more “notey.” I think. I think that over-tanning was plenty “notey” enough.

8:56 p.m.: We’re getting a flashback to Woz’s last week. He began by putting on a pair of plastic glasses held together with nerd tape.

8:56 p.m. Woz is dancing his heart out in rehearsal, still in black socks. And this caused him to break his foot! Doctor’s quote: “You’re crushing your foot.”

8:57 p.m. Woz will defy doctor’s orders and dance the quick-step! And he just flipped his partner over his back! And he has a ridiculous fifties hair.

8:58 p.m. Um…Woz, it’s called a “quick” step. That’s more of a stately step.

8:58 p.m. He’s picking it up a bit now, although he’s not really in sync with his partner. And there go the herky-jerky knee-hand wave! And he finished lying on the ground.

8:59 p.m. Kathy Griffin is in the audience! Awkward.

9:00 p.m. The judge likes Buddy Holly. He says America loves the antics.

9:00 p.m. LeeAnn, female judge, notes “I love watching you! Even when I’m saying, ‘What is he doing, why are they so far apart?'” She’s marking him down for lack of endurance.

9:01 p.m. Bruno: “Steve, you remind me of WALL*E! A bit rusty around the edges, in need of spare parts, but very resilient and incredibly charming.”

9:01 p.m. Steve, awkwardly: “Come down and dance with me!”

9:02 p.m. Post dance interview with host: “How is your foot, should you be dancing on it?” Steve: “I’ve only had one aspirin in five days; and I didn’t feel I ran out of steam.”

9:02 p.m. Final score: 17, an improvement of four from last week’s ludicrously low 13.

9:03 p.m. And that’s it, taking us out with a “judges been drinkin’!” joke from Tom Bergeron. Remember to vote!

Dancing With the Woz Liveblog



Photo from

Steve Wozniak on “Dancing with the Stars” is the greatest cultural event of the decade. As such, I’m plopped in front of the couch awaiting the Woz for the West Coast broadcast (I’m told we’re just three minutes away). Nicole told you how to vote, and I’m here to tell you how he did. Check out the blow-by-blow below!

9:15 p.m. I just endured a solid three minutes of Jewel’s cowboy husband not dancing. It was absurdly painful. He gets a total of 14 points.

9:18 p.m. There goes Olympic silver medalist Shawn Johnson. She’s being pulled around by a man who looks like the uglier brother of Mark from “Ugly Betty.”

9:23 p.m. Big points for Shawn! I guess! I’ve never watched this show before.

9:23 p.m. Woz just rolled in on a Segway in a cloud of smoke! There is a god.

9:24 p.m. Also, Tom Bergeron just said Woz founded Apple in the early ’70s. A factual error on first sentence.

9:24 p.m. Woz meets his dancing partner by rolling up on a Segway, too.

9:25 p.m. Woz really does not know how to dance, based on these rehearsal shots. Though he does notice that dancing can be mathematical and left-brained.

9:26 p.m. Words of Wozdom: “I like to close my eyes when I’m practicing, because it lets me get an image of my head of me dancing. It’s like I’m dreaming.”

9:27 p.m. “Nerds can dance.” No, Steve, they can’t.

9:27 p.m. Steve comes out with a giant pink feather boa and a tux. He’s actually got a lot of personality, although he might want to close his mouth. Still, he’s a natural ham. A lot of sticking his tongue out.

9:28 p.m. The song is “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.” Quite.

9:29 p.m. You know, by the standards of this show, that was very not embarassing.

9:29 p.m. Bergeron: “Take that, Bill Gates.” Also: “If Safari freezes, should I delete it or restart it?” Yes, because Woz has a lot to do with current Apple software.

9:30 p.m. Cranky Italian judge: “It was like watching a Teletubby going mad at the gay pride parade!” Well said.

9:30 p.m. Lady judge: “You are what this show is all about!” And “You made it to the end! It was fantastic!” It’s true. He didn’t once take a break or sit down.

9:31 p.m. Woz score coming after the ad. I have to say. He looks way more composed than his partner.

9:33 p.m. Here come the scores: 5, 4, and 4 for 13 total. Which means they did worse than Jewel’s stupid cowboy husband. Which is a serious miscarriage of justice. He was so much better than that guy! 

9:34 p.m. Empty headed-host: “You said that ballroom dancing is harder than designing computers. But you just got through that entire dance!” They really seem concerned about his ability to remain standing.

9:34 p.m. Woz: “That was the most incredible fun thing I’ve ever done. It’s so great. I’m so glad to be here!” More fun than pretending to date Kathy Griffin?

9:35 p.m. Dance partner Karina Smirnoff: “Honestly, he’s the nicest man alive, and he gives 100 percent in every rehearsal!” Well, he would have to give at least that much. He’s Woz.

9:36 p.m. And…it’s over. Please turn it off before David Alan Grier dances, and get your vote in now! (Just done with my 13 now; what a worthy cause!)

See you next week? Maybe?