Cult of Mac: What do you want to read?



Over in the Cult of Mac’s new design post’s comments, we’ve had some pointers regarding what certain readers don’t want to see on the site, in terms of content. Since that article’s about the site’s design, I figured maybe we should have a comments thread dedicated to Cult of Mac’s content.

So, here it is. Please let us know what you like about the site’s content and what you don’t like. What would you like to see more of? What would you like to see ground into the dirt? Where possible, please be constructive in both praise and criticism, rather than just typing “you guys are rubbush” and laughing maniacally in front of your Mac. Shortly before noting the typo, obviously.


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46 responses to “Cult of Mac: What do you want to read?”

  1. Cameron says:

    I come to Cult of Mac to read about the “cult” part of the Mac world. The crazy people who carve Apple-themed Halloween pumpkins and things like that. Those are the kinds of stories I enjoy.

    There are PLENTY of Mac news sites out there–I don’t need to see stories like that.

  2. Lolo says:

    You guys should unpublish both the “redesign post” and this very post. I mean, come on.. What are you doing? Is this Cult of Mac metldown day ?!?!? YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO ! Hit us with articles, Lonnie articles, an occasional Leander piece… and your’e good to go. Bring back the old design and make the community happy… Please.

  3. Craig Grannell says:

    I was thinking more along the lines of ‘involve the community’ day. But it did thaw in my town today after two snowy days, so it could be meltdown day, too. The old site is like Blixa in Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, though—gone.

  4. Greg Smith says:

    My the quality of my life would in no way be degraded if I never saw another Mac, iPod, iPhone, or case, for one of the previously mentioned items, that had diamonds or gold such overly expensive items embellished on it.

    For that matter, it goes for cases in general.

  5. Barry says:

    I definitely like the cult and tech aspect of the site. The rumors are always entertaining if not accurate. I could do without the famous celeb-of-the-moment sighted with ipod/macbook/iphone.

  6. Samuel Herschbein says:

    Give up on Apple predictions and don’t publish unconfirmed rumors. You’re wrong too much of the time and it negatively affects your journalistic integrity.

    I agree with Cameron about the news: don’t report the mundane, we get it directly from Wired, et al. Report about the cult aspect, stuff the mainstream Mac media won’t cover in detail.

  7. Aranittara says:

    no expensive stuff (diamonds and gold and silver oh my)
    icelebs is boring rubbish
    stop redesigning your site once a month and announcing it
    I like the rumors
    I like the cult stuff
    I like the news

  8. thebanite says:

    I’m all for the cult stuff–but who uses macs does interest me. Are they not part of the “Mac Nation” as it were? I’d love to know things like what apps people use, how they use their machines generally–what makes them connect uniquely to their computers. What do people love about their macs? That’s the ‘cult stuff’ to me.

  9. brad says:

    you do a pretty good job of it, but excessive iPhone stuff gets annoying, and I love the thing. second, you should do more articles like what Giles Turnbull usually writes about. It’s thought provoking and interesting. Rumors are good, cult stuff is good, a hands-on with anything is always cool if it’s new enough, but you do that pretty well. steve jobs articles are fascinating, any internal Apple info might be cool to read about. I’m go nuts posts about little-known amazing apps, menubar items, and prefpanes, and stuff like that. that’d be my biggest recommendation. overall you guys do a pretty good job, though.

  10. Caio says:

    Hey Guys! First off, i would like to tell you guys that cult of mac has become a little obsession of mine for the past few months. Can’t go a day without checking it out!!

    I would really love to see more mac software news! reviews, “hidden” features, unknown-but-useful mac softwares and stuff. :D

    We are a community with the most powerful and beautiful machines in hand, but the lack of developers (as compared to pc developers) kinda bugs me!

    my best wishes to the team and to the site,


  11. marko says:

    Absolutely love everything on the site… except the celebs. Please don’t ever publish another photo of a celebrity holding an iPod. Borrrrring.

  12. diamondprojects says:

    I agree with Greg. Please stop posting about ‘bling’ ipod cases and such like. I find such things depressing and creepy. Likewise, photos of celebrities carrying an iphone/ipod/macbook simply make me confused – why is this interesting?

    Rumours, reviews, crazy predictions and the usual Mac fanboy madness is all welcomed…

  13. iDave says:

    I originally came to this site because of the “Cult” side of Apple and Macs, as others have mentioned before. I think that’s your forte, and you should stick with it. That one about the guy modding his SE/30 to run everything he needs? That’s your focus.

    Macenstein seems to have celebs covered. Others do app reviews and news. Stick with what you’re good at, and what makes you unique. You do SO well at it. And hey, a Newton mention once in a while (like the old days!) wouldn’t hurt you, either.

  14. Dann says:

    Agreed, drop the celebs.

    I enjoy the site, again, for the “cult” aspect of it. Things like the unboxing of the Apple//c or whatever it was was brilliant.

    I also enjoy the speculation, review, and opinions pieces.

    Though, please, include more (free, if possible) useful software links. told me that Crossover was free to download for a day this week. I wish you guys had covered that.

  15. Cowicide says:

    More on mobility solutions. Particularly, solar panels for portable power… updates on things like thin external monitors that you can plug into your USB port or Firewire so it doesn’t need an external power source (I just thought of this thing, but I’m sure it’s in the works somewhere, I mean… c’mon it’s almost 2009 here)

    More on gestures and other progressive input devices (i.e., iGesture and xGestures) and techniques that make working on a computer far more productive and reduce RSI to boot. How about studies and maybe even contests to see who is the “fastest” on their Mac. Also more comparisons of what makes Mac better (or worse) in speed, productivity, etc. compared to alternatives… (Ubuntu, Windows 7, etc.)

    I dunno, it’d make CoM more interesting and practical for daily viewing for me. But, YMMV of course.

  16. Herzog says:

    Less of the “celebrity seen with Apple product” stories please.

    Even on a slow news day; please.

  17. Herzog says:

    P.S. Dare I add: less U.S.-centric, more global coverage?

  18. phoenix says:

    @Greg: So what you’re saying is that you’re reading the wrong blog? Or are you saying you’ve just had it with cases and all the bling? If it’s the latter, I totally agree with you.

    Anyway – to the point:

    I stand behind what I said before: The celebrity stuff, like the leader on the front page as of this comment – the iPhone apps for fashion and gossip? Worthless. I mean, I could be totally wrong here, but I don’t think you have much a readership that’s the E!-watching, Perez Hilton-reading crowd who’s interested in the intersection between Apple and celebrity.

    Cover relevant news and events, but give up on trying to break stories and publish rumors; you’ll undoubtedly be beaten to the punch by folks who deal in rumors or have a news staff. I am interested however in the designs and fakes you guys get your hands on, they’re always fun. :)

    Like I said before, focus on what you’re really good at, and that’s analysis, speculation, and opinion. I want to hear what YOU’RE looking for in new product releases; YOUR fears of what type of company Apple may become, YOUR thoughts on Apple’s competition, YOUR favorite products and your least favorite ones, what YOU would like to see from Apple or third-party developers in the future for any Apple platform, YOUR thoughts on product releases and revisions, and so on. I’d love to read your original column work too – not just “stuff we found on the Web,” but “stuff we were thinking,” you know?

    I’m with the folks interested in more “cult” in the “cult of mac,” as in the stuff that made Leander write his two books – let’s see some more crazy Apple tattoos!

    Anyway – still love you guys and love the blog; it’s just the posts haven’t been so engaging lately as to bring out the comments until you started looking for feedback. I’m sure you guys will do right by your readers.

  19. GGeek says:

    Another vote for getting rid of the celebrity-watch. Who the hell cares?

  20. Bobby says:

    I would like to see zero more articles with photos of celebrities holding Apple products unless there is something significant. The fact that someone who is on TV is holding an Apple product is not special.

  21. Thomas says:

    I applaud your willingness to listen to feedback.

    I doubt your target readers care about celebs and blinged out gear. Sure, it was interesting when it was new, the diamond pod, etc, but now it’s everywhere and nothing special. And celebs….I don’t think the Mac Cult members are going to E! right after a look through CoM. Scrap it all.

    Nothing against Nicole, but I think her forte belongs in a tech section of a fashion blog more than the fashion section of a tech blog. Geek can be chic, but geeks don’t really care.

    The pedestal is a perfect example of all things Cult of Mac, it was perfect. Keep digging for things like that.

    What are people doing because of their love of macs? Post that. Mac pumpkin carving for Halloween? Mac costumes maybe? Post that.

    Rumors are fun too, but don’t overload it. Maybe once a week if there are a few rumors floating, get everyone’s thoughts and just pen an article with who thinks it’s going to happen, who thinks it won’t, and the arguments. Sure, it’s work, but hey, that’s your job :)

    If you’re going to post Apps, make them interesting and useful, and if they are a one trick pony, make sure it’s a really good trick ;)

    5 posts about iPhones in a row belong on Cult of iPhone, not here.

    All this and possibly more later, IMHO.


  22. thebanite says:

    I’d love to see the icelebs. Who uses a mac is interesting to me. What kind of setup people have is fun and useful as are the apps they use most frequently. Anything that shows the mac love, the devotion we have to our machines would be fun to see.

  23. Steve says:

    A big fan of the site and Leander’s books, so agree with other’s who like to see the “cult of…” flavor applied to the posts.

    However, please, PLEASE refrain from the recent “iPhone Only —- Site” postings. Remember, you have YOUNG Apple fans who easily find your site … unless you put “Adults Only” across the top and provide age-input popup access, we don’t need to see that. It’s a wild guess, but I’m sure there are other dedicated sites for that stuff.

    Also agree with others that the “celebrities with Apple products” should be a rarity for this site (it cheapens the Cult quality).

    Bravo for the variety of other good content (too many to mention, actually, you know who you are!), such as legacy products in use, product reviews, bits of Apple history, new ways to use new Apple products, clever Apple-like 3rd party apps (such as the Polariod one, awesome!), and “inside” stories of how Apple ticks.