Google Glass - page 3

How Google Glass Works




Google Glass looks like the coolest piece of technology since the invention of the iPhone. Even though a ton of businesses will probably ban it, we can’t wait to try Sergey Brin’s new eyewear out.

Google Glass seems like it came right out of Star Trek, but the way this technical masterpiece works is actually pretty simple. Martin Missfeldt created the following infographic that lays out all the details on how Google Glass works so you can impress your friends with your scientific knowledge. Take a look:

Google Glass Can Help You Pick Out Your Friends In A Crowded Place



While the Google Glass may look slightly ridiculous hanging off your face, it’s hard to deny it has some pretty nifty uses. The ability to navigate your way around a new city with directions in the corner of your eye, or record things like concerts and sporting events from your own perspective is pretty cool.

And there’s another feature that could prove incredibly useful. According to New Scientist, Google Glass has the ability to find your friends in a crowded place, such as a shopping mall or a busy bar, based on the clothes they wear.

But there’s a catch.

Google’s Project Glass Will Work With Your iPhone And Be Available In 2013



Google’s crazy new Project Glasses look awesome. So far only a few people have actually got to try them out, but the reviews have been very positive, even if it does look weird to have a computer on your face.

While Google hasn’t announced an official release date for Google Glass, they’re already let a number of developers preorder a unit for $1500. A new report says that the Glasses will actually be released in 2013 though, and they’re going to work with the iPhone.

Here’s What Life Will Look Like When You Wear Google’s Project Glass



When we first saw Google’s Glass project, we were fairly skeptical that A) it would work as advertised, B) not make you look like some maxiod cyberborg super dweeb. We still have reservations about both of those problems, but using Project Glass looks freaking awesome.

Google just released a video this morning that shows what the UI is going to look like for people who are willing to shell out $1500 for some fancy Google branded eyeglasses. I could describe all the magical features for you, but here, just watch the video below: