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Only 12 Hours Left to Learn How To Make the World’s Next Great Website with Cult of Mac’s Latest Video Course [Deals]



So you wanna be the next Zuckerberg, eh? But, let me guess, you’re a “business guy” who doesn’t know how to program? You’ve thought about it, but you don’t even know where to start, or you just “don’t have time”. Stay on this path and you may end up finding yourself seeking out a code monkey! Trust us, nobody wants that.

Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re going to help you out by introducing you to the HTML/CSS guru himself, Mark Lassoff. The man is energetic, skilled, and a dynamic online presenter; plus, he’s provided programming instruction to some of America’s largest corporations.

This course is a stellar opportunity to learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS you need in order to whip up that creative, high-quality website you’ve been mulling over for years! Normally this course costs $49, but we negotiated a sweet deal with Mark. For only $29, you’ll get Mark’s HTML and CSS expertise jam-packed into nearly 4 hours of video instruction that includes highlighted lab exercises, so you can apply the very skills taught from the course.

Win a Free CSS & HTML Course From Cult of Mac [Giveaway]



It’s been a great week for giveaways on Cult of Mac, but we’re not done quite yet. As our last giveaway of the week, we’ll be selecting 2 winners who will receive a free copy of the HTML and CSS for Beginners Course that we’re currently peddling over at deals.cultofmac.com. If you’ve been wanting to build a website but don’t know how then this is the giveaway you want to win.

This course is a stellar opportunity to learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS you need in order to whip up that creative, high-quality website you’ve been mulling over for years! Two lucky winners will get the $29 course for free and will receive Mark’s HTML and CSS expertise jam-packed into nearly 4 hours of video instruction that includes highlighted lab exercises, so you can apply the very skills taught from the course. For this giveaway we’re going to do things a little differently and give you a few options for entry.

Here’s how to enter the giveaway: